Lena Lenina about Vasily Stepanov’s discharge from the hospital: “He had no place in a clinic with schizophrenics!”.

Lena Lenina about Vasily Stepanov’s discharge from the hospital: “He had no place in a clinic with schizophrenics!”

Our extravagant author is eager to fight again. Lena Lenina, writer and owner of more than 200 salons of the franchise network “Lena Lenina Network of Manicure Studios,” manages to do everything: build a successful business and write bright columns for ProPedia on a variety of topics. This time Lena talks about a meeting with actor Vasily Stepanov, who, thanks to her help, left a psychiatric clinic.

The efforts of Lena and Andrei Malakhov’s program on Channel One, initiated by her, were crowned with success, and the doctors were forced to release Vasily, who turned out to be not schizophrenic at all. Lena came to visit a friend who was recently suspected of attempting suicide as a true advocate of a sober and healthy lifestyle, not with a harmful cake or bottle, but with fresh exotic fruits from Thailand: mangoes, lychees, mangosteens, dragonfruits and papaya, and also with a selection of nuts and dried fruits. The friends drank tea in Stepanov’s kitchen in one of the 5-story Khrushchev-era buildings being prepared for demolition on the outskirts of Moscow, and Vasya, still suffering from numerous fractures, told Lena about all his misadventures.

“Vasya was released almost 2 weeks ago, but we didn’t tell anyone this. He and his family tried to stay away from the cameras because they are simple people and don't need all the hype. But the press got wind of the fact that he was released, and yesterday the first articles appeared with erroneous information that Vasya was only released from the hospital yesterday. But this is not so. To the joy of his mother and other family members, he was released from the psychiatric clinic long ago.

I was happy for him, but I didn’t say anything to anyone at the request of my family. There was no place for him in a clinic with schizophrenics. But physically he is not yet completely healthy. After all, he had many fractures, which he received not in a suicide attempt, as they wrote, but in pursuit of his mother’s cat, as he himself says.

The plaster of Vasya’s right arm was already removed on the 10th, and at the end of the month they promised to remove the plaster from his right leg, if everything goes well, but for now, although it interferes with movement, Vasya, nevertheless, walks on his own and takes care of his yourself. His brother Maxim helps him in everything, is always nearby, and promised me to take Vasya’s management seriously. Maxim is categorically dissatisfied not only with the way the artist’s previous manager, Sergei, did it, but also with the fact that after his dismissal he spoke negatively and often about Vasya in interviews. Therefore, Maxim, although he did not plan to become the artist’s manager, decided to devote his entire subsequent life to his brother, since such a beautiful and talented child as Vasya was born into the family, which is very noble of him. I advised the guys to honestly divide all Vasya’s future fees in half,

Vasya’s parents are also endlessly happy that their child has returned home. His mother was very afraid that he would be treated in a psychiatric clinic. But, fortunately, Vasya returned safe and sound, and now nothing threatens him. And they decided never to call the psychiatric care coach again.

By the way, my mother is very indignant at Vasya’s numerous ex-girlfriends, who, for the sake of PR, are ready to say any nasty things about him and his family. But mom can be understood.

We sat all evening in the tiny kitchen, remembering all of Vasya’s misadventures and difficulties, as well as all our efforts to get him out of the clinic. Fortunately, the Channel One program attracted a lot of public attention, and the doctors decided not to forcibly hold a person who was not dangerous either to themselves or to society, and released him.

All my mother’s tears are left behind, and Vasya only talks about new projects, full of intentions to work both in cinema and in advertising. Vasya has finally realized that he does not need to get a job as a trolleybus driver or a policeman, but needs to continue the work that made him famous, and I hope that this confidence will be enough to overcome all the difficulties on the difficult and thorny path of an actor and public figure .

Vasya is handsome and in great shape. From the emaciated skeleton that I found him in the winter in the clinic when he broke his spine, he turned into the Vasya whom millions of girls in our country loved.

I'm sure everything will be fine for him. At their farewell, Vasya and Maxim very touchingly thanked me for the fact that I was the only famous person who actively publicly advocated for Vasya’s release, and we all rejoiced together that our efforts had led to such a good result.”