Sad but beautiful Khodchenkova stands alone, Iskhakov does not part with Sinitsyna: the premiere of “Copenhagen Does Not Exist”.

Sad but beautiful Khodchenkova stands alone, Iskhakov does not part with Sinitsyna: the premiere of “Copenhagen Does Not Exist”

Another working week ended with another open-air film premiere.

Open-air cinemas are one of the synonyms of summer, as well as a social trend. More and more film premieres are taking place here - and celebrity guests are much more happy to spend summer evenings in the fresh air, rather than in cold air-conditioned rooms.

In the summer of 2023, we are increasingly visiting Cinema by KION, opened in the Strelka space on Bersenevskaya Embankment. On June 16, the premiere of the film “Copenhagen Does Not Exist” took place here. Already from the title it becomes clear that this is not a comedy, but a drama. A drama about two young people - he and she met on the street and fell in love. So much so that the rest of the world and the people in it ceased to exist for them. But one day Ida disappears, and Sander becomes the main witness and suspect. From his testimony, memory after memory, the viewer learns the love story of the main characters. Fascinating and frightening.

The film is complex. You may have to watch it more than once to understand it. What the author of this news is going to do and advises you is that “Copenhagen Does Not Exist” will be released on June 22.

Svetlana Hodchenkova
Svetlana Hodchenkova

Among the first viewers of “Copenhagen Does Not Exist,” we noticed Svetlana Khodchenkova, a rare social guest recently.

The actress is spending this summer in Moscow - very soon she will start filming a very interesting project, which will be released next year. We visited the set of this film, but we won’t reveal all our cards just yet. And let's admire Svetlana - as always, very beautiful, but seemingly a little sad. We hope our compliment will lift her spirits.

Dmitry Iskhakov and Sofya Sinitsyna
Dmitry Iskhakov and Sofya Sinitsyna

This evening was not complete without the main (and still very unexpected) star couple. Dmitry Iskhakov and Sofya Sinitsyna also came to see “Copenhagen Does Not Exist.” Judging by the lights in the photographer’s story, he liked the film. The actress shared only black and white shots professionally taken by her companion.

The public still does not understand what exactly connects Sophia and Dmitry. They do not give any comments, but only mysteriously hint with joint photographs and appearances.

See which other celebrity guests were at the premiere in our photo gallery.

Even more interesting materials in our  Telegram channel .

Photo: Andrey Kalmykov/ProPedia