Stars who didn't leave their seriously ill loved ones.

Stars who didn't leave their seriously ill loved ones

The stories of these couples are similar to dramas in movies, but all this happened in real life.

The phrase “both in sorrow and in joy” certainly sounds touching, but how many people actually keep this promise? Someone cannot withstand the trials of life - and leaves a close and dear person at the most difficult moment for him. However, it also happens differently. And today we are talking about just such people - celebrities who kept their vow and did not abandon their loved ones when a terrible illness came.

Paul McCartney

The musician met Linda Eastman in one of the London nightclubs - and nothing foreshadowed a romance. Linda, a professional photographer, dreamed of taking several photographs of the legendary four The Beatles, and in general she always liked Lennon more. McCartney was engaged to actress Jane Asher. Exactly a year later they met again - and since then Paul and Linda have not parted. McCartney quickly found a common language with Linda's 4-year-old daughter. Six months after the second meeting, they got married.

Paul McCartney and Linda Eastman
Paul McCartney and Linda Eastman

In an interview, the Beatles lead singer shared that in all the years of marriage they only once spent a week away from each other. Paul and Linda had three children - Mary, Stella and James. They lived on their own farm in Sussex and raised sheep and horses. McCartney dedicated songs to his beloved.

Paul and Linda with children
Paul and Linda with children

In 1995, Linda received a terrible diagnosis - breast cancer. By that time they had been together for more than 25 years. Paul did not leave his wife - they struggled with the disease for three years, but Linda died in 1998. According to McCartney, he never thought that he could leave the mother of his children.

Meryl Streep

When Meryl was 27 years old, she met actor John Cazale. At that time, Streep was just starting her film career. The romance was stormy: John quickly proposed to Meryl.

John Cazale and Meryl Streep
John Cazale and Meryl Streep

Streep began to receive numerous invitations from directors. Everything was great. But one day John was diagnosed with lung cancer. He didn't say anything to Meryl - that day she was flying to filming in Australia. The actress returned to the States a few months later. John's illness developed rapidly - when Meryl arrived home, Casale no longer got out of bed. Streep, who had just tasted success, put all her projects aside and cared for her lover. But it was not possible to save him.

Meryl Streep and John Cazale
Meryl Streep and John Cazale

Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan saw Cassandra Harris at the casting for the next Bond series. Cassandra played the role in the film “For Your Eyes Only.” Even before the film was released, Brosnan proposed to his beloved. He also adopted Cassandra's children, Christopher and Charlotte. Three years later, the actress gave birth to another child - son Sean.

Seven years after the wedding, Cassandra was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. For four years the couple tried to overcome the terrible disease. Brosnan was there all the time. On December 28, 1991, Cassandra died. Pierce was crushed.

Cassandra Harris and Pierce Brosnan
Cassandra Harris and Pierce Brosnan

“Watching someone you love lose their life by the second... After that, sadness becomes an integral part of you,” the actor later said.

However, despite the pain, he continued to raise their children, and then their grandchildren. Cassandra's daughter, Christine Charlotte, died in 2013 from exactly the same disease. Pierce didn’t leave his family here either: he helps Christine’s widowed husband take care of their children.

Pierce Brosnan and Christine Charlotte
Pierce Brosnan and Christine Charlotte

Marion Cotillard

Handsome, talented and smart, Julien Rassam instantly charmed Marion. The heir to the theater and film dynasty was also crazy about Cotillard and believed that she had extraordinary abilities. They were in love. But the tragic death of Julien's mother crushed him. Rassam became withdrawn, stopped communicating with people, and, worst of all, began to use illegal substances. Friends warned Marion, but she didn’t want to listen to anything.

Julien Rassam
Julien Rassam

In 2000, Rassam, while intoxicated, jumped out of the window of the Raphael Hotel in Paris in front of Cotillard, but survived. True, he found himself confined to a wheelchair. Marion tried to help him and took care of the guy in every possible way. She told him that he would definitely get up. No miracle happened. Two years later, Julien committed suicide. The actress packed her things and flew to Goa to sort out her feelings. When she returned to Paris, she received a role in the fateful film “Love Me If You Dare.”

Marion Cotillard
Marion Cotillard

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