Anastasia Volochkova spoke about the condition of her seriously ill father.

Anastasia Volochkova spoke about the condition of her seriously ill father

Yuri Volochkov, a former Soviet table tennis coach and father of a famous ballerina, has been confined to a wheelchair for almost ten years. The other day, Anastasia Volochkova, who prefers to share news of her family with fans as little as possible, told how her father lives now. 

9 years ago, Yuri Volochkov suffered a double stroke, after which his right side of his body was paralyzed. Since then, the man has been forced to move around using a wheelchair. His daughter Anastasia Volochkova told in an interview how difficult it was for the former table tennis coach to undergo physical therapy.

The other day, the ballerina shared with followers on Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) that her father still has not recovered from a stroke and is experiencing considerable difficulties with movement. Volochkova added that she recently purchased a modern stroller with built-in mechanisms, which should make Yuri’s life easier. The celebrity also pleased fans by saying that a representative of a wheelchair manufacturing company recommended a specialist who could help Volochkov’s recovery.

Anastasia’s fans immediately wished her father health and noted how lucky Yuri Volochkov was with his daughter.