The star of “Full House” Svetlana Rozhkova is seriously ill and did not admit it to her loved ones until recently.

The star of “Full House” Svetlana Rozhkova is seriously ill and did not admit it to her loved ones until recently

53-year-old Svetlana Rozhkova reported that she has health problems. For a long time, the star of the popular show refused to talk about her health. Journalists found out what happened to the comedian and how she feels now.

Not long ago it became known that Svetlana Rozhkova was diagnosed with a serious illness, which she carefully hid not only from fans, but also from relatives. In a new interview with the StarHit portal, the comedian told how she learned about health problems: “My heart was seized, and I was sent for a consultation to the Institute of Cardiology - it turned out that it was acting up due to blood intoxication. They did a full examination and unexpectedly discovered abnormalities in the liver.”

According to Svetlana, she does not need surgery as long as the organ does not fail. However, the comedian faces long and expensive treatment. Friends and colleagues from Full House offer Rozhkova financial assistance, but she refuses.

“Family is nearby. I didn’t tell my daughters Varvara and Yana about the illness until recently. Of course, we were shocked. She and her husband support me,” said Svetlana. Now the comedian continues to perform, despite the diagnosis. “Of course, it’s difficult to work in the mode to which I’m used to; my health doesn’t allow it now. We have to give up interesting projects. But I’m working slowly, I’m not complaining,” Rozhkova said.

According to Svetlana, at first the disease developed very rapidly, but doctors managed to slow it down. The comedian thanked the specialists and numerous fans who actively support her.