How “the most beautiful woman in the world” buys the love of her husband: the wrong side of Pink and Carey Hart’s difficult marriage.

How “the most beautiful woman in the world” buys the love of her husband: the wrong side of Pink and Carey Hart’s difficult marriage

In January of this year, Pink and her husband Carey Hart celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary. A serious term by stellar standards confuses many, making them think that love and understanding reign in the family. However, as ProPedia found out, spouses are kept together by completely different feelings.

Alisha Beth Moore, better known as singer Pink, was recently voted the most beautiful woman in the world by People magazine. By the age of 38, the pop-rock singer had achieved world fame and recognition, inspired millions of people to protect the environment and charity by her example, and created, as many people think, an ideal family.

But is the singer’s marriage so ideal? In total, Pink and her husband Carey Hart have 17 years of marriage behind them, which is incredible numbers by modern standards.

However, on the Internet you can find many rumors that their union was initially bursting at the seams. Insiders keep hinting that the image of a loud-voiced, strong woman is just an image, and in fact, Alisha is even ready to be humiliated just to keep her husband. The singer’s press service vehemently denies rumors of family quarrels, but you and I know that there is no smoke without fire...

Hero for the video and life

In 2000, singer Alisha Beth Moore took the pseudonym Pink, released the track There You Go and became famous overnight. A year later, having already become a world-famous artist, Pink met her future husband, motorcycle racer Carey Hart. What connected them was not music, but a love for motorcycles.

Soon Pink released a provocative video for the song Just Like A Pill, in which Hart also starred. In one of the interviews, the lovers said that it was the singer who forced the motorcycle racer to appear in the video, although he resisted. "I told her I wasn't into that kind of thing, to which she replied, 'Then I'll find another nice guy.' And by the way, I didn’t say, but in the video I will be licking his toned abs.” I had no other option but to agree,” Hart shared with reporters.

Pink and Carey Hart
Pink and Carey Hart met in 2001 and almost immediately began an affair

Beautiful story, isn't it? Only then few people believed in it. An unknown guy suddenly doesn’t want to become famous? You believe this story even less when you study the filmography of the motorcycle racer.

It was during this period that Carey Hart suddenly discovered his previously dormant talent as an actor and began acting in films: in 2002, three films with his participation were released at once. Coincidence? We don't think so.

The romance between Pink and Hart developed rapidly: celebrities (and next to such a star, the motorcycle racer also received laurels) began to appear together everywhere; in an interview, the singer spoke about boundless love for her chosen one and their far-reaching plans for the future. While some were gossiping about the unequal union (say, where is Pink and where is Hart?), others admired the love story that looked like a modern fairy tale.

And yet the fairy tale, if there was one, quickly came to an end. Already in 2003, the lovers announced their separation. It is noteworthy that shortly before this they starred together in episodic roles in the film “Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle.” The film was not a major success, and the soundtrack to the blockbuster, recorded by Pink, did not delight either listeners or critics. By the way, then the singer’s entire new album, called Try This, was considered not the most successful. Gossips immediately drew conclusions: “Hart escaped from a ''sinking ship''”...

Pink goes into battle

A year later, Pink and Hart unexpectedly reunited for many. According to rumors, the singer initiated the reconciliation. Whether this is true or not, we can only guess, but then the artist really took everything into her own hands.

In 2005, Pink supported her beloved in the finals of motocross racing in California. In the midst of the competition, the singer raised a sign above her head with the inscription: “Will you marry me?” As Carey rushed past, Pink added the caption: "I'm serious!" Hart finally parked, walked up to his beloved and said: “Yes!” “Then get your ass back on the track, because I don’t marry losers!” — the singer did not hide her happiness.

Pink and Carey Hart
Pink herself proposed to her beloved

In her interviews, Pink said that Carey proposed marriage to her twice (the first - just two months after the start of the relationship), but was refused each time. That is why the third sentence came out of her mouth. And again, few believed.

Insiders noted that Carey was too free-spirited to voluntarily tie the knot.

The story was also cast in doubt by the fact that the wedding took place, by star standards, too quickly: less than six months later, on January 7, 2006, the celebrities got married in Costa Rica. About 100 guests were present at the wedding ceremony. 

Envy of success

After the wedding, it seemed that an idyll had arrived in the Pink and Hart family. Perhaps this was the case, but this period did not last long. In 2008, after two years of marriage, the couple separated. Again. On her website, the singer wrote: “The most important thing you should know is that Carey and I love each other very much. Our separation is not associated with deception, betrayal or quarrels. I know it sounds corny, but we remain best friends."

Later in her interviews, Pink named the notorious “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for the separation. “We worked tirelessly. Too much time passed between our meetings. Carey could stay with me for five days and leave for six weeks. We tried to resolve all our disputes and issues in a short time, but this is simply impossible,” said the singer.

A few months later, Pink’s new song So What, dedicated to her husband, was released. “I feel like I just lost my husband. I don't know where he went. So I’m going to drink all my money away and I’m not going to pay his debts,” were the lines of the composition. Many took the track literally, noting that the reason for the breakup was Hart's wild lifestyle. The motorcycle racer earned less than his wife, but, according to rumors, he spent like a real rock star.

Despite the breakup, Carey starred in his wife's video for the song So What. Why remains a mystery.

They said that the singer hid the plot of the video and the lyrics of the track from her husband until the very end. Hart found out about everything right on the set. Those present then noted that Carey was... pleasantly surprised. Actually, the motorcycle racer didn’t even try to hide it. “It's good, bad and disgusting at the same time. I didn't expect anything different from her. That's why I love her. And yes, it’s a pretty nice feeling to be someone’s muse,” Carey flirted in an interview.

Pink and Carey Hart
Rumor has it that Carey Hart is jealous of his wife's success

American tabloids linked the celebrity breakup with the sharp rise in Pink's popularity. After the not entirely successful album Try This, the singer took a break, and then released the collection I'm Not Dead, which blew up the world charts. If you believe the rumors, Hart simply could not come to terms with the fantastic success of his wife, so he began to drink and disappear at night in an unknown place.  

Pink goes into battle. Again

Carey walked for 11 months. Rumor has it that, despite the separation, celebrities met occasionally: Pink helped her husband financially.

By the way, the spouses’ divorce was never finalized.

Experts note that perhaps this was a thoughtful move on Hart’s part: over time, he could win a larger piece of what his wife earned. The reasons why Pink did not file for divorce are quite clear: the singer hoped to get her husband back. Which, in fact, she did.

At the beginning of 2009, Hart once again asked his wife to help him - to perform in one of the clubs in Las Vegas. The singer, of course, agreed. After the performance, Pink called her husband to her room. “I was preparing for the meeting: I made a photo album for him, in which I collected all our photos together. I did it for several months. On one of the last pages I posted my own photo from the shoot, where I was covered in blood, and signed: “This is me without you.” Next was a photograph of a baby with the caption: “The rest has not yet been written.” At the end, I put the divorce papers without our signatures and told him: “It’s up to you to decide,” the performer recalled.

Hart's ego was satisfied.

In addition, he himself was already ready to reunite: it was during that period of time that the motorcycle racer stopped receiving invitations to act in films, and his work in previous films was coming to an end (in fact, since 2009 he has not acted anywhere). “The Prodigal Son” returned to where it is nourishing, warm and... money.  

Mustachioed nanny

In October 2010, Pink celebrated ten years of her career with the release of the single Raise Your Glass. And disappeared from the radar. A month later, it turned out that the singer and motorcycle racer were expecting their first child. On June 2, 2011, the couple had a daughter, Willow Sage.

The media unanimously noted what a wonderful father Hart is, and insiders, surprisingly, echoed them.

Paparazzi photographs of Carey fussing with the baby touched even the most notorious cynics. It seemed that with the advent of the child, life in this family improved.

However, at the beginning of 2016, new rumors appeared about the separation of the spouses. And not unfounded. A celebrity couple suddenly put their family home in Malibu up for sale. The ad indicated that the owners wanted to get rid of the house as quickly as possible, and the buyer was entitled to an impressive discount of one million dollars for urgency. Apparently, the family was saved from disintegration by the celebrity son Jameson Moon, who was born on December 26 of the same year.

Pink and Carey Hart with children
According to rumors, in 2016, the family of Pink and Carey Hart did not break up only thanks to the birth of the second child of celebrities - son Jameson Moon

When rumors about Pink and Hart's divorce were not confirmed, new ones appeared: Carey began to have serious problems with alcohol. “They had a lot of fun together when they were younger. But now Pink wants him and Carey to focus on their kids, take their responsibilities more seriously, or if he acts like a big baby, she threatens to throw him out the door. She wants to lead a more sober and reasonable lifestyle,” a source told The National Enquirer.

The love for alcohol in this family was never hidden. In an interview, Pink admitted that their son was named with the unusual name Jameson precisely because she and her husband both love whiskey (a reference to a popular alcohol brand). At the same time, the singer noted that she would like to give birth to a third child, but the problem is that she already has one - and this is her husband.

But how did it happen that from an exemplary family man Carey turned into a big child?

It didn’t take long to look for an answer: Hart is depressed by his own lack of demand against the backdrop of his wife’s successes. Over the years, the motorcycle racer turned into a housewife and nanny; not a trace remained of his former brutality. And he began to drown his wounded pride in alcohol. “Carey feels abandoned, like his wife is only keeping him to take care of the kids,” a source told Star.

Note that the star couple did not react to any of the rumors. Regular photographs of a loving and seemingly absolutely happy couple, their posts on Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia), as well as rare messages from insiders who said the exact opposite of gossip, were considered a refutation. “They have been through a lot, and now their union is stronger. They love their life together,” such messages rarely appear on the pages of Western media, and yet they exist. 

Every joke has a bit of truth

All over the world, Pink is loved not only for her songs, but also for the fact that she honestly talks about problems in her marriage. And he does this, as a rule, with humor. But is everything as funny as they try to make it seem to us?

When talking about her relationship with her husband, Pink always laughs it off, which once again suggests serious problems in the marriage.

“Sometimes I am sure that Carey is the most thoughtful, logical and constant man. Other times I look at him and think: ''I never liked you, we have nothing in common, I don't want to see you anymore.'' And after another two weeks our relationship blossomed again. And then you go through a phase where you don't have sex for a year! Monogamy is hard work. But you do this work, and everything becomes great again,” Alisha reflected in an interview.

In conversations with journalists, the singer throws out phrases: “He behaves like crap, and always does,” “Nothing (not even children) prevents us from breaking up again,” “Do you think he’s great? But no,” “I love him much more than he loves me.”

Some will laugh at these unfunny jokes, but most will note that the couple has a serious crack in their relationship.

"Sad. Every time he tries to break up with her or just leave her (which has happened many times), she is so scared that she gives him everything he wants: money, cars, motorcycles and other toys. She knows that he is using her, but she is so afraid of loneliness that she will never let him go,” insiders shared with reporters. Pink, of course, can buy her husband’s presence next to her for a long time. But can love be bought?

There is hope?

“Pink is not a stupid girl. She is the breadwinner in this family, everything rests on her, and it is all the more surprising why she is so desperately trying to keep her husband,” an anonymous source reasoned in an interview with the same Star portal.

And they are not the only ones who have been asking this question for several years now. Even the most “yellow” publications periodically admit that rumors about discord in the Pink family are far-fetched. Nevertheless, the singer herself talks about many problems in marriage. On the other hand, which of us can boast of having an ideal relationship?

Pink and Carey Hart
Romantic pictures from Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) of the spouses make one believe that they are striving for a stable relationship

Today, the Instagrams (an extremist organization banned in Russia) of both spouses are full of warm family photographs, the captions to which cast doubt on any, even the most plausible, gossip.

Celebrity wedding anniversaries are a separate topic. Pink and Hart always touchingly congratulate each other on this day.

“Today this beautiful woman and I are celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary. I can’t say that there is at least one person on this planet with whom I would spend these years better than with you. We created an amazing family and life together. I love you,” Hart wrote on his Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) in January 2018. “Today is 12 years since we got married. And 16 years, if you count those four years in which we decided whether we would live together forever or just kill each other,” the singer added a humorous, but no less romantic signature under her husband’s post.

We sincerely want to believe that the most beautiful woman in the world will be able to make her family just as beautiful. And not only from the outside (the picture is impressive), but also from the inside. Everything in the world is so fickle, but how great it is to have a reliable rear in the form of a strong, sincerely loving family.