38-year-old actress Kristina Kuzmina told how she is fighting cancer for the second time.

38-year-old actress Kristina Kuzmina told how she is fighting cancer for the second time

Kristina Kuzmina rarely talks to journalists about her life. However, recently the star of the film “We are from the Future 2” and the TV series “Secrets of the Investigation” and “Street” admitted that last summer doctors gave her a terrible diagnosis. 

Kristina Kuzmina devotes all her time to work: she acts in films and TV series and plays on the theater stage. The actress often shares details of her life with subscribers on Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia), but tries to avoid talking about personal topics .

However, the other day Christina told Starhit.ru that she was seriously ill. Last summer, Kuzmina was diagnosed with cancer, and in January of this year she underwent surgery. The artist admitted that five years ago she was already struggling with oncology and did not expect to hear a terrible diagnosis again .

“The second time, of course, it’s mixed, strange feelings. You don't feel shocked. But you cling to the thought that this might be a mistake,” said Christina.

Kuzmina noted that she took the treatment a little easier than last time, because she already knew what chemotherapy was. The actress ironically added that she even found a plus in her illness - she could eat unhealthy and high-calorie foods, which she had not allowed herself to do before, and she cut her hair short, which she had long dreamed of. Christina also shared that, despite moments of despair, she continues to lead a normal life thanks to the support of her family.