Ksenia Borodina made it clear that she had finally made peace with Kurban Omarov.

Ksenia Borodina made it clear that she had finally made peace with Kurban Omarov

After returning to Russia from Italy, 35-year-old Ksenia Borodina again began publishing photos with 37-year-old Kurban Omarov. Apparently, in this way the TV presenter decided to hint that she and her husband were able to resolve their conflicts peacefully.

Over the past week, the topic of problems in the marriage of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov has become one of the most discussed on the Internet. The spouses themselves ignore questions from concerned followers, which only fuels interest in their family life. Not long ago, subscribers to the permanent host of “House-2” noticed that she stopped wearing a wedding ring for a while , and soon left her husband for Italy. Kurban, in turn, did not even meet his wife at the airport after a long separation , which only provoked another wave of rumors that his and Ksenia’s marriage was bursting at the seams.

However, now, apparently, everything is fine. Returning to Moscow, Borodina again began publishing photos with her husband.

“They are checking whether they will fit in the shower,” Ksenia wrote under a new photo of Kurban with his daughter Teona. Fans were happy that the presenter was reunited with her husband: “It’s good that you have made peace”, “You have such a beautiful family, and the children are wonderful, it will be bad if you break up”, “Everyone is feeling better now”, “Have you finally made peace? Otherwise we were scared” (the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved). 

Kurban, although he did not show photographs with Ksenia, captured her in Instagram stories (an extremist organization banned in Russia), hinting that he and his wife managed to overcome the short-term crisis.