“Like two bears in one den”: Krasko’s 26-year-old wife and his 58-year-old daughter-in-law do not get along with each other, living in the same apartment.

“Like two bears in one den”: Krasko’s 26-year-old wife and his 58-year-old daughter-in-law do not get along with each other, living in the same apartment

The other day, journalists decided to visit the family of 86-year-old People’s Artist Ivan Ivanovich Krasko and found out that the actor’s young wife was in conflict with the widow of his son Andrei, Margarita Zvonareva, who lives with them in St. Petersburg. Natalya Krasko insists that the reason for the discord is the apartment, which Margarita cannot share with her father-in-law.

Not long ago, the young actress Natalya Krasko admitted that she does not yet want to give birth to children to her 86-year-old husband Ivan Ivanovich Krasko, since they still live in the same apartment with his daughter-in-law and grandson, and, in the girl’s opinion, “Margarita and Kirill have earned the right for peace and comfort."

However, since then the relationship between Natalya Krasko and Margarita Zvonareva has changed - now, as Krasko admitted in an interview with the Eg.ru portal, the women constantly quarrel. “They are now like two bears in one den. For some reason, Margarita believes that she has the right to the entire apartment,” said Ivan Ivanovich. And his wife added: “When I first moved in, Margarita told me how she quarreled with one daughter of Ivan Ivanovich, then with another. I asked myself: why? And when she started arguing with me, she understood everything. I am friends with all of Krasko’s relatives, except Margarita. This is not about her human qualities, but about the fact that the most important thing for her is living space. But I don't claim anything. Someday I’ll buy myself an attic, which I’ll arrange as an art zone, and I’ll live there.”

Let us recall that St. Petersburg resident Natalya Shevel married her former university teacher Ivan Krasko in early September 2015. The wedding ceremony took place in St. Petersburg and caused a wide public outcry both in Russia and abroad, but the acting couple tries not to pay attention to gossip and gossip.