“Thank you for saving my life”: Kostomarov was discharged from the hospital.

“Thank you for saving my life”: Kostomarov was discharged from the hospital

A few months ago, the athlete admitted that he missed his family. And now the doctors decided that he was strong enough and could continue to receive treatment from home.

For Olympic ice dancing champion Roman Kostomarov, the last six months have turned out to be a turning point. In early January, he was hospitalized with complications from pneumonia and found himself on the verge of life and death. During this time, the athlete underwent several difficult operations for amputation and prosthetic limbs and began to undergo rehabilitation. He has already published a couple of new videos that show him working out on exercise machines in prosthetics and told fans that he is determined only for the best.

Roman Kostomarov
Roman Kostomarov

Recently it became known that Roman Kostomarov was discharged from the hospital. Before going home, the skater gave a touching speech to the doctors and nurses and thanked them for pulling him out of the dead, although at some point the situation was critical. As the champion's coach Alexander Zhulin recently noted, Kostomarov's chance of survival did not exceed 2%.

“Thank you for saving my life. Six months ago, I didn’t understand anything: I thought I’d just cough at home and leave in an ambulance so they could give me an injection and gargle, and in an hour I’d return home. And what happened was what happened.

This was a complex disease that almost took my life. There are a lot of thoughts in my head, but I’m happy that I’m alive, and my wife is happy, who looked after me from the first day and worried about me. Many tears were shed. Thank you very much,” said the skater.

Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov
Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov

Apparently, Roman Kostomarov’s recovery is going faster than the doctors expected. A few weeks ago they said that the skater would stay in the hospital at least until the fall, but now they decided to let him go home.

Roman Kostomarov
Roman Kostomarov

The Olympic champion noted that he was leaving the ward in a good mood and wanted to see his family, whom he missed very much, as soon as possible. Let us remind you that together with his wife Oksana Domnina Kostomarov is raising a son Ilya and a daughter Anastasia. Since the skater’s wife spent all the time next to him in the hospital, their grandparents looked after them.

Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina
Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina

He has not yet said what Roman Kostomarov will do after he has fully recovered, but some specialists do not exclude the possibility that he may return to sports, since modern prosthetics allow this to happen.

Roman Kostomarov
Roman Kostomarov

However, now it is important for the skater not to rush things and closely monitor his health, including psychological. Earlier, news appeared on the Internet that he was severely depressed. However, the wide smile with which the athlete spoke to the doctors who saved him suggests that he managed to overcome all difficulties.

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Photo: Social networks, PhotoXPress.ru