Summer high street fashion: why some stars dress like they're going to a store, while others dress like they're going to a wedding.

Summer high street fashion: why some stars dress like they're going to a store, while others dress like they're going to a wedding

Together with an expert, we analyze the latest celebrity appearances and choose the most stylish.

The phrase “Moscow never sleeps” is often used for the sake of a nice phrase, but it’s true. In the capital, life is in full swing both day and night - especially when it comes to social events and other interesting events. Every week we discuss film premieres, presentations, screenings, private parties - and the stars who attend them. They don’t miss the chance to go out into the world - to show themselves, to look at others and give us a reason to discuss everyone.

In the summer, secular Moscow takes special pleasure in gathering on verandas, in parks and other locations, enjoying cool cocktails and walking around in their most extravagant and not so extravagant outfits. We showed their photos to the stylist and asked her which of our celebrities succeeded in terms of style in the summer of 2023.

Nadya IvanovaNadya Ivanova

Stylist, fashion culturologist

Stylist Nadya Ivanova reviewed several recent gossip columns and divided the images into categories - from unsuccessful to most appropriate. Do you agree with her opinion? Share in the comments.

Too easy

Наталья Рудова, Анна Цуканова-Котт, Маруся Бордовских
Natalya Rudova, Anna Tsukanova-Kott, Marusya Bordovskikh

First of all, the stylist decided to “deal” with those who often confuse social events with going to shopping centers. Nadya Ivanova is sure: if you are a famous person and you are invited to an event, you need to put at least a little effort into choosing an outfit.

“The first three looks are too simple for social events. They are more suitable for shopping, walking, but not for going out. Too boring and banal. The premiere or opening of a restaurant requires a more solemn, thoughtful outfit, but not what is presented above,” estimates Nadya Ivanova.


Карина Нигай, Пелагея и Ирина Йовович
Karina Nigay, Pelageya and Irina Jovovich

And these are the so-called smart images. Outfits that are already ready and do not need styling. A suit like Karina Nigay’s, a satin two-piece like Pelageya’s, and a simple jacket like Irina Jovovich’s are all the key to success. Simple and tasteful for those who don’t like to spend a lot of time getting ready, but still want to look attractive.

“These three options are much better. When the rules of the event are not too formal, you can choose masculine styles - a suit, a jacket. If you put on bright makeup, the image will be even more interesting. It will be appropriate at a film premiere, in the theater and at any other social event,” continued Nadya Ivanova.

Appropriate everywhere

Евгения Линович, Юлия Бордовских, Лина Дембикова
Evgenia Linovich, Yulia Bordovskikh, Lina Dembikova

Semi-festive looks are also a win-win option for going out. One item should be basic - for example, jeans or a white shirt, and the second should be playful. And go to the party and attend the premiere.

“Laconic images, moderately festive. I can’t imagine them at the Cannes Film Festival, but for Moscow social events they are perfect. Jeans, white shirt - classic. And if you want to be playful, you can add a skirt or trousers in sequins, which always looks trendy,” says the stylist.

The best option

Ксения Андрианова, Полина Аскери, Елена Крыгина
Ksenia Andrianova, Polina Askeri, Elena Krygina

The stylist's favorites were ladies in dresses. In her opinion, today many people forget about femininity and elegance, which is why the images simply “merge” with each other. And girls in dresses have already become something of a fantasy - that’s why they look the best in absentia: seductive, fresh, attractive.

“These three ladies won first place with their images. Dresses are always very feminine, stylish, and sophisticated. Especially ones like theirs, in a retro style, it is always appropriate. Images like these will never let you down: they will be in style at any event,” the expert concluded.

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Photo: Evgeny Nikolaev/ProPedia, press service