Wiener about Kabaeva: “If I had given the command to jump from the 20th floor, she would have immediately stepped forward”.

Wiener about Kabaeva: “If I had given the command to jump from the 20th floor, she would have immediately stepped forward”

Their relationship has long gone beyond the student-teacher framework, dictated by the need to win, snatch gold from the hands of their opponents and gnaw their way to the pedestal together. But it was unquestioning trust that served as the beginning of their long friendship.

Irina Viner no longer needs to introduce herself to anyone - her students, who have collected dozens of medals at the Olympics, European and Russian championships, do it for her. Only the best of the best were always under her care and supervision. But the brightest and, perhaps, famous gymnast that Wiener raised was Alina Kabaeva. 

Alina Kabaeva and Irina Viner
Alina Kabaeva and Irina Viner

At the first meeting, Wiener did not like her figure, height, or technique, but then - in the late 1990s - the coach still saw a future champion in Alina. Kabaeva had to mold herself into perfection, spending 12 hours a day in the gym, following all the coach’s instructions and working on her main weapon - charisma. Alina knew how to make the audience and judges fall in love with her with just one smile. All this made her the one in whose honor the elements of gymnastics were named, who received Olympic gold, fame, money and the title of Wiener’s favorite, which no one has been able to eclipse to this day. They speak of each other with special reverence and have long been not just a coach and an athlete, but a real family. 

Wiener about Kabaeva: “If I had given the command to jump from the 20th floor, she would have immediately stepped forward”
Irina Viner

However, Irina Alexandrovna herself does not like to highlight their special connection. She always admitted that she does not have any personal ratings or lists of the best students. In her opinion, all the students are like family to her, because she has invested her soul and a lot of strength in them. Although, Viner considers it pointless to deny that Kabaeva is leading this team. And it’s not at all the number of her awards or the fact that they are fellow countrymen - the coach was struck by the totality of her talent and human qualities.

Wiener about Kabaeva: “If I had given the command to jump from the 20th floor, she would have immediately stepped forward”
Irina Viner and Alina Kabaeva

“She smiled in any situation, captivated the audience and the judges with her amazing attitude. In addition, Alina always heard me and listened. I already told you once in an interview: even if I gave a command (absolutely speculative, abstract!), like jump from the tenth or twentieth floor, that’s what you need, everything will be fine, and Alina would step forward and immediately carry out the order without a shadow doubts. Because, I repeat, she believed me boundlessly,” Viner admitted in an interview with TASS.

Wiener about Kabaeva: “If I had given the command to jump from the 20th floor, she would have immediately stepped forward”
Irina Viner and Alina Kabaeva

It is in the case of wards that the President of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics believes that blind faith is good. According to Irina Alexandrovna, Alina knew that her mentor would never do or advise anything that could harm her:

“In the end, we achieved professional heights. A brilliant gymnast, a talented girl who managed to realize her potential. With her help, rhythmic gymnastics reached a different level.”

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Photo: Legion Media, Persona Stars