“Prison is better than living with him”: why three sisters brutally killed their father.

“Prison is better than living with him”: why three sisters brutally killed their father

The other day, the Russian public was shocked by a terrible story: three sisters of the same age killed their dad. The girls claim that a relative treated them like slaves, but police believe that everything is not so simple.

On July 27, 57-year-old Mikhail Khachaturyan was found dead with multiple stab wounds on the landing of a house on Altufevskoye Highway in Moscow. The killers were his daughters: 17-year-old, 18-year-old and 19-year-old sisters Maria, Angelina and Christina. The girls immediately admitted to what they had done, and called “long-term hostile relationships” the motive for the crime. Many doubt that this is the real motive for killing his father. What is known about the crime at the moment?

Home tyrant

Since 1997, the Khachaturians have lived in a two-room apartment in a multi-story building in one of the residential areas of Moscow. At first they rented a house, but then the head of the family bought it. Mikhail and his wife had a son, and then three daughters. There were no signs of trouble then...

“Prison is better than living with him”: why three sisters brutally killed their father
According to the girls, Mikhail was a very cruel person

When his son was 16 years old, Khachaturian kicked him and his mother out of the house. True, according to one version, the woman ran away on her own - she could no longer endure the beatings and abuse. At first, she tried to maintain relationships with her daughters, but soon her ex-husband forbade them to communicate. The girls claim that they did this secretly from their father.

According to Maria, Angelina and Christina, dad was a real tyrant.

He often beat his daughters, mocked them in every possible way, and also forbade them to go to school or even go outside if he saw bruises on their bodies from beatings. Apparently, he did this very often, because the eldest Christina was not allowed to take the Unified State Exam due to constant absences. The girls admitted that their father constantly harassed and raped them... “Beatings from the age of ten, harassment from the age of fourteen. When he kicked my mother out three years ago, things got really bad. He beat us with everything he could get his hands on for every little thing. Plus, in his understanding, a woman is a slave. He did absolutely nothing around the house, he didn’t even pour water for himself and didn’t close the window,” Angelina told Moskovsky Komsomolets journalists. Their father did not allow them to bring friends home, and if they violated the ban, he caused a scandal.

“Prison is better than living with him”: why three sisters brutally killed their father
Angelina admitted that her father raped her and her sisters

Khachaturian kept weapons in the apartment and, at the first opportunity, threatened the girls with them. However, not only them. One day a policeman came to their apartment - Mikhail pointed a shotgun at him and promised to shoot if he did not leave “in an amicable way.” At the same time, Khachaturian was a very religious person: he wore a large cross on his chest, constantly went to church and visited holy places.

The neighbors all admitted that they were afraid of the man in the yard.

Either a local authority will deliberately ruin a flowerbed, or arrange a showdown right on the street, or even pull out a gun.

Khachaturian often just sat in his foreign car, and various suspicious individuals came to him. Mikhail did not work anywhere, but the man had enough money: according to Moskovsky Komsomolets insider, he had quite influential patrons. By the way, during a search two kilograms of drugs were found in his car...

Couldn't stand it anymore

The sisters could not stand their father’s cruel treatment and decided to kill him... According to the initial version that the girls told the police, the murder was spontaneous: Mikhail, under the influence of psychotropic substances, wounded one of the daughters, after which the others attacked him with a knife. According to a RIA Novosti source , Maria stabbed her father at least thirty-five times. Angelina and Christina hit him on the head and sprayed him in the face with pepper spray. After the murder, the youngest of the sisters called the police, telling law enforcement officers about what had happened.

“Prison is better than living with him”: why three sisters brutally killed their father
Khachaturian was a religious man

Initially, a criminal case was opened under the article “Murder without aggravating circumstances.” The penalty ranges from six to fifteen years in prison. A few days later, the investigation toughened the charges - now the sisters are charged with “Murder as part of a group of persons.”

The police are sure that the relatives had been planning the murder for a long time.

However, the court has not yet begun to arrest the girls and will return to consider this issue on August 2.

Now Maria, Angelina and Christina are kept in separate cells. The investigation reveals new details of the crime every day. For example, a friend of the girls provided the police with an audio recording in which Mikhail shouted to his daughters: “They were f****** - you will die!”, promised to arrange a gang rape and threatened with violence. The girl also told journalists from the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication that Christina, unable to bear such a life, once tried to commit suicide. According to the correspondence of the sisters, it became clear that the relative actually raped them.

“Prison is better than living with him”: why three sisters brutally killed their father
Recently, the investigation tightened the charges against the relatives

Maria, Angelina and Christina did not go to the police because Mikhail had connections there. They also did not complain to the girl’s mother, so that she would not worry again. “When we killed him, we called my brother, he called his mother. Mom arrived, we told her everything. She asked: “Why did you do this? We would come up with something." We couldn't come up with anything. There was no other way. It won't be any worse than it was. Prison is better than living with him,” Angelina noted in a conversation with a Moskovsky Komsomolets journalist.

Now the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, Anna Kuznetsova, is demanding an assessment of the work of the guardianship and the school where the sisters studied.

Kuznetsova has a lot of questions about the work of the organs of the prevention system. Human rights activist Ivan Melnikov, in an interview with RIA Novosti, also noted that guardianship authorities and law enforcement officers did not come to the school where underage girls studied, but more than once tried to get to their home. Mikhail simply did not open the door for them.

On July 31, Mikhail Khachaturian was buried. One of his friends told reporters that all the money had disappeared from the deceased’s accounts. The man is sure that theft could have been one of the reasons for the murder, and also noted that the girls “always had little” money, which their father allocated for pocket expenses.

The investigation is not yet completed. ProPedia will monitor developments.