“He wanted to bully girls! He’s a maniac”: the grandmother of the Khachaturian sisters, who killed their father, commented on the tragedy.

“He wanted to bully girls! He’s a maniac”: the grandmother of the Khachaturian sisters, who killed their father, commented on the tragedy

A little over a week ago, Russia was shocked by the news of a terrible family drama: three sisters of the same age killed their father. The other day, the girls’ grandmother spoke out about the incident.

On July 27, 17-year-old, 18-year-old and 19-year-old sisters Maria, Angelina and Kristina Khachaturyan brutally murdered their father Mikhail . The girls immediately confessed to what they had done and told the police that the man constantly mocked and raped them.

While the investigation is in full swing, numerous friends and relatives prefer not to remain silent and give comments to journalists. Thus, the girls’ older brother Sergei expressed the assumption that it was a deliberate murder . The young man does not consider the incident to be self-defense. Mikhail's friend also believes that Maria, Angelina and Christina planned the murder of their father. According to the man, the girls wanted to steal money from a relative’s account.

“He wanted to bully girls!  He’s a maniac”: the grandmother of the Khachaturian sisters, who killed their father, commented on the tragedy
The girls' grandmother confirmed that Mikhail abused them and their mother

The other day, the sisters’ maternal grandmother gave an interview to journalists from the Komsomolskaya Pravda portal .

Larisa Todika confirmed the words of her granddaughters that Mikhail abused them and their mother Aurelia.

“I’m not saying this to protect my girls, but because it is true - he’s scum. And he was never normal. Why, since they were all bad, didn't he kick them all out? Because I wanted to bully girls! He’s a maniac, a maniac since the cradle!” - Larisa is sure.

“He wanted to bully girls!  He’s a maniac”: the grandmother of the Khachaturian sisters, who killed their father, commented on the tragedy
The girls' mother Aurelia (right) did not know what was going on in Mikhail's house

He also treated his son Sergei poorly. According to the grandmother, her grandson was even sometimes forced to sleep on the staircase. Todika said that her daughter really ran away from her monster husband because she could no longer tolerate the bullying. After this, Mikhail began to forbid Maria, Angelina and Christina to communicate with their mother - they did this secretly and very rarely.

Larisa wrote statements to the police more than once, but they told her that they could not do anything. “He threatened them with his mother. He said he would kill her. And they said it was better for her to leave. She was afraid for their fate, and they were afraid for hers,” the woman answered when asked why the sisters did not tell anyone about their father’s abuse.

Now Maria, Angelina and Christina are in different cells of the pre-trial detention center. Girls will be able to continue their education - teachers will come to them so that they finish 11th grade.