“I had to work as a psychologist: They are confused and depressed”: the lawyer spoke about the condition of the Khachaturian sisters.

“I had to work as a psychologist: They are confused and depressed”: the lawyer spoke about the condition of the Khachaturian sisters

Maria, Angelina and Kristina Khachaturyan are now in pre-trial detention center. According to the lawyer, the psychological state of the girls leaves much to be desired.

On August 8, 17-year-old, 18-year-old and 19-year-old sisters Maria, Angelina and Kristina Khachaturyan, who killed their father Mikhail , met with their lawyers for the first time. The girls are in different cells; they have neither radio nor television. According to the defenders, not least because of this, all three are in an extremely depressed state.

“I had to work as a psychologist.  They are confused and depressed”: the lawyer spoke about the condition of the Khachaturian sisters
The girls' mother, Aurelia, said that her daughters suffered a lot while living with their father.

“To some extent I had to work as a psychologist, because the girls are confused, depressed and don’t know what’s going on, since they are now in isolation,” one of the lawyers told reporters from the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication . The lawyer also noted that, most likely, in the near future psychologists and teachers with whom the sisters will study according to the school curriculum will be allowed to see Maria, Angelina and Christina.

“I had to work as a psychologist.  They are confused and depressed”: the lawyer spoke about the condition of the Khachaturian sisters
Angelina's lawyer said that Mikhail's relatives are interfering with the investigation

Angelina's lawyer Alexey Parshin also said that the relatives of the deceased Mikhail Khachaturyan entered the apartment in which he lived with his daughters, changed the locks and took out things that could be important to the case.