The brother of the Khachaturian sisters spoke on a talk show about what was going on in their family.

The brother of the Khachaturian sisters spoke on a talk show about what was going on in their family

The Khachaturian sisters, who were accused of murdering their father Mikhail, are now under investigation. Recently, new details of this case were revealed by the girls’ brother Sergei. 

For more than a week now, the media have been actively discussing the story of the Khachaturian sisters, who confessed to the murder of their father Mikhail . Maria, Angelina and Christina explained to law enforcement officials that they decided to take reprisals because of their father’s cruel treatment. According to the girls, he was a tyrant, sexually harassed them and regularly beat them. Now investigators are looking into all the details of what happened. 

Journalists have already managed to communicate with the mother , grandmother and half-brother of the Khachaturian sisters, and recently their brother Sergei appeared in the studio of the “Actually” program. 

The young man told Dmitry Shepelev what was happening in their family. Sergei confirmed the words of his mother Aurelia, who spoke about Mikhail’s threats in an earlier interview.

“Yes, he really almost killed me when he found out that I spent the night with my mother. First he beat me, and then he put me in the car and said: “Now I’ll take you to the forest, we’ll play with you there.” I realized that I urgently needed to escape, that in this forest he was simply going to kill me. I managed to jump out of the car and ran as fast as I could. My father shot at me, I dodged bullets between cars. True, then my aunt, who was present during all this, said that he did not shoot at me, but in the air,” Sergei recalled.

According to the young man, sometimes his father tried to restrain himself and behave differently, but he did not always succeed. They used sedative pills, after which Mikhail fell asleep, and his children felt freer. 

Sergei also confirmed information about sexual harassment by his father. He recalled how one day an alarmed Christina called him: “She was very excited, she was shaking all over. She asked me to come urgently. Arsen and I (the cousin of the Khachaturian sisters - approx. ProPedia) arrived. The sister said that the father tried to force Angelina to wash with him in the bathroom.”

By the way, Arsen has previously given interviews to the press, and he has his own opinion about the current situation. He was also present in the program studio and tried to refute what Sergei said. “I never saw him hit girls. He raised them. I wanted them to grow up to be normal girls, but they deceived him regularly,” Arsen said. He insists that the sisters planned their father's murder in advance .