The mother of the Khachaturian sisters publicly repented that she did not save her daughters from suffering.

The mother of the Khachaturian sisters publicly repented that she did not save her daughters from suffering

In the new episode of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live”, the mother of the Khachaturian sisters said that she had no idea about the atrocities that were happening in the house of her ex-husband. The woman asked her daughters for forgiveness.

At the end of August, the Russian public was shocked by a brutal murder . Three sisters - Maria, Angelina and Christina - killed their own father. During the investigation, it turned out that the man abused his daughters. Soon other characters appeared in this terrible story - the girls’ mother Aurelia Dunduk and their brother Arsen. Aurelia has testified more than once that she herself was subjected to violence by her murdered ex-husband, from whom she simply ran away

Dunduk became the heroine of the new episode of the talk show “Andrey Malakhov. Live". In the studio, the woman publicly repented to her daughters, whom she could not save.

“I couldn’t imagine that he was capable of raping his own daughter. I only found out about this during the investigation. I don’t understand how my own father could do this. They told me: ''Mom, it all happened. We don't care what anyone says. We know what happened, but it's better for you not to know. We don't want to hurt you." Forgive me for not saving you and not always being with you,” said Aurelia. Dunduk was sure that her ex-husband could only be cruel towards her, and not towards his own daughters.