Touching footage of being discharged from the maternity hospital: Svetlana Bondarchuk gently hugs her newborn Petya.

Touching footage of being discharged from the maternity hospital: Svetlana Bondarchuk gently hugs her newborn Petya

On August 15, Svetlana Bondarchuk celebrates her third wedding anniversary with Sergei Kharchenko, but we all received the main gift - the couple declassified that six months ago they became the parents of a son, whom they named Peter.

It's been so long since there's been such good and truly cool news. All around are divorces, scandals, intrigues and shaking out dirty laundry... And suddenly: Svetlana Bondarchuk became a mother! She reported this herself and only six months after the birth of her son, who was named the beautiful name Peter.

Petr Sergeevich Kharchenko.

It is not difficult to guess that the couple used the services of a surrogate mother. Over the past year, Svetlana herself has often appeared in a tight mini, and her summer photo shoots in a bikini have already gone down in history. Bondarchuk has not yet revealed the details of the baby’s birth, but has already said thank you to everyone - both those who congratulated and those who knew about the happy event in the lives of Svetlana and Sergei, but were delicately silent.

“I understand perfectly well that they treat me differently - some with sympathy, some with antipathy, but in this situation all these people showed solidarity and delicacy, and allowed me, as a mother, to tell this news at the moment when I was ready. But they could collect traffic and hype. But no, there are still concepts of ethics and decency in our community. Thanks to everyone who knew and did not give away our secret. You have no idea how important this was for us,” she wrote on her Telegram channel and shared intimate footage of her discharge from the maternity hospital.

Touching footage of being discharged from the maternity hospital: Svetlana Bondarchuk gently hugs her newborn Petya
Svetlana Bondarchuk, Dina Khabirova, Sergei Kharchenko and Yunna with Peter

Next to her and Sergei on this important day was his daughter from a previous relationship, Yunna (she has a wonderful relationship with Svetlana), as well as Bondarchuk’s close friend Dina Khabirova.

No staged photo shoot with an armful of balloons, lush bouquets and musicians. Everything is very family-like - and very simple. Everyone is dressed as casually as possible - in jeans and turtlenecks. If Peter was born six months ago, then it is February. The baby is wrapped in overalls, from which his little face is barely visible. Lovely!

Svetlana Bondarchuk with her son
Svetlana Bondarchuk with her son

This shot is especially beautiful - Svetlana is tightly hugging the baby. She has a lot of experience communicating with babies: Bondarchuk is not only twice a mother, but also twice a grandmother - her son Sergei has two charming daughters, born in marriage to Tata Mamiashvili. By the way, they were recently released at a film premiere .

Touching footage of being discharged from the maternity hospital: Svetlana Bondarchuk gently hugs her newborn Petya
Svetlana Bondarchuk, Yunna and Sergey Kharchenko with baby Peter

“I would like to say separately that many people from our circle really knew about Petya. And not only close ones,” Svetlana continues to share, once again saying thank you to everyone who did not give away her secret.

Svetlana Bondarchuk with her son Peter
Svetlana Bondarchuk with her son Peter

Peter's acquaintance with his older brother and sister has probably already taken place. Let us remind you that Sergei Bondarchuk is 31 years old, Varvara Bondarchuk is 24 years old.

Children's laughter can also be heard in Fyodor Sergeevich's house. Two years ago, he and Paulina Andreeva had a son. The boy has not yet been introduced to the public.

Photo: social networks