“Leave the girls alone”: the movement in defense of the Khachaturian sisters is gaining momentum on the Internet.

“Leave the girls alone”: the movement in defense of the Khachaturian sisters is gaining momentum on the Internet

The public reacted sharply to the case of the Khachaturian sisters, who are accused of murdering their own father. People are asking for the immediate release of the girls from custody and are going to hold mass pickets.

Before we had time to congratulate each other on the release of Ivan Golunov, the capital was once again seized by unrest. This time, concerned citizens are trying to defend the Khachaturian sisters, who are accused of murdering their father.

Almost a year ago, three sisters, 17-year-old Maria, 18-year-old Angelina and 19-year-old Christina, inflicted multiple stab wounds on 57-year-old Mikhail Khachaturyan. As it turned out later, the girls were subjected to regular violence from their father: both physical and sexual. In addition, information has appeared about Mikhail Khachaturyan’s connection with drug trafficking.

“Leave the girls alone”: the movement in defense of the Khachaturian sisters is gaining momentum on the Internet
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Unfortunately, none of the relatives supported the captives of the domestic despot. Mikhail Khachaturian had powerful influence and large funds, so no one wanted to come into conflict with him. Even after the incident, the relatives turned their backs on the girls and refused to hire them a lawyer.

The trial in such a high-profile case lasted for a year, and the other day the final charge was finally brought, the penalty for which was life imprisonment.

“Leave the girls alone”: the movement in defense of the Khachaturian sisters is gaining momentum on the Internet
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The public reacted strongly to the news. According to human rights defenders and activists, there is a case of domestic violence, which was recently decriminalized in Russia. People sympathize with girls who have been abused by their father for many years and are alone in their grief. Unable to bear it, they tried to defend themselves - and for this they could be given a life sentence.

“Many years of abuse from my father. We can put an end to this. It is clear that they simply could not stand it. Leave the girls alone already. It’s not easy for them now,” “Decriminalize domestic violence and imprison girls for self-defense after years of torture! The Khachaturian sisters should receive psychological help and recover, and not sit in prison because there is no one to protect them but themselves,” “There are two developments in the situation with family abuse: either they will kill you, or you will kill. Using the example of the Khachaturian sisters, it becomes clear that you will be imprisoned for defending yourself,” said activists supporting the girls.