Sends her cats to the hairdresser and hides from relatives: how Tatyana Doronina lives in a nursing home.

Sends her cats to the hairdresser and hides from relatives: how Tatyana Doronina lives in a nursing home

A month of living in a gerontological center costs the actress 200 thousand rubles. This is almost four times less than what she paid before.

People's Artist of the USSR, “national treasure”, President of the Moscow Art Theater, arbiter of destinies... All this is about her - about Tatyana Doronina.

Now she lives in the gerontological center of Moscow, but this does not mean that the 89-year-old actress has lost her influence. She still controls all processes occurring at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky - not a single appointment occurs without her approval. But Tatyana Vasilievna does not appear in the theater - her health does not allow it.

The artist relies heavily on the center’s staff. Several nurses and doctors, including highly specialized ones, are caring for her. They provide massage and restorative procedures using Israeli technology.

Of course, the Yugo-Zapadny gerontological center is very different from the Barvikha sanatorium, where Doronina lived for the last two years. But, apparently, there is no choice.

Sends her cats to the hairdresser and hides from relatives: how Tatyana Doronina lives in a nursing home
Vladimir Putin and Tatyana Doronina

Living in a pine forest in Barvikha was not a cheap pleasure. Ordinary people do not rest in such places. In an elite sanatorium, Doronina lived in a three-room suite (with meals and sanatorium treatment), which cost her 900 thousand rubles a month. Later, the star moved to a more modest apartment - a two-room suite costing 700 thousand rubles a month.

The actress paid out of her own pocket, she could afford it: she has a good pension, plus as president of the Moscow Art Theater she receives almost half a million a month.

But in February 2022, the celebrity fell ill with Covid and her legs began to fail. A nurse could have saved the situation, but Tatyana Vasilievna’s character is not at all sweet. She flatly refused to live in the same room with someone, as well as to pay her assistant for separate apartments. But such care is not included in the job responsibilities of the sanatorium medical staff. The nurses endured the whims of the star until the summer, and then rebelled. They say they even wrote a collective letter to the management: either we or the guest.

Sends her cats to the hairdresser and hides from relatives: how Tatyana Doronina lives in a nursing home
Tatiana Doronina

In July, Tatyana Vasilievna was evicted from Barvikha and transferred to an “almshouse,” as the gerontological center was hastened to be dubbed in the media. But this definition is very far from reality. Of course, the actress no longer has a suite at her disposal, but she does have round-the-clock care and excellent rehabilitation.

Staying here costs approximately 200 thousand rubles a month, and Doronina’s bills, according to some sources, are paid by the Moscow Government. Plus, the actress has benefits, like a siege survivor.

Sends her cats to the hairdresser and hides from relatives: how Tatyana Doronina lives in a nursing home
Tatiana Doronina

Doronina is in a fighting mood, despite having suffered from Covid and her advanced age. Perhaps this is due to the special attention the staff pays to her.

And your favorite pets also make a positive contribution. They made an exception for the guest and allowed her to take two British breed cats into her room. The attitude towards them is no less respectful.

From the center, the pets are taken to the hairdresser, where they are washed and combed.

Cats have long been Tatyana Doronina’s family; she has no one closer to them. The actress was married five times, her longest marriage lasted eight years, but most often the relationship ended after three years. There were no children in either union.

Sends her cats to the hairdresser and hides from relatives: how Tatyana Doronina lives in a nursing home
Tatiana Doronina

The star always lived for work and did not particularly maintain contact with her relatives, just like they did with her. And now, when her age is very respectable, as is the size of her property, many decided to remind themselves.

A few months ago, her “niece” showed up, at least that’s what Elena Buyanova calls herself. But neither Doronin nor the leadership of the Moscow Art Theater named after. Gorky did not meet with her.

Of the close relatives, the actress had only a cousin, but she also died two years ago.

Sends her cats to the hairdresser and hides from relatives: how Tatyana Doronina lives in a nursing home
Tatiana Doronina

Buyanova did not give up for a long time. She tried to talk to the actress at the gerontological center and even brought family photos with her. When the star did not respond, the relative went further: she wrote a letter to the Human Rights Council, saying that the “national treasure” was being held against its will. From there, the alarming message was transmitted to Petrovka, 38. The police even came to the gerontological center, and that was the end of the matter.

But questions arose for Buyanova. It turned out that she was not a relative at all, but a friend of Julia’s “real niece.” But she also refused to accept Doronin’s real relatives, although she allowed her to write a letter.

Sends her cats to the hairdresser and hides from relatives: how Tatyana Doronina lives in a nursing home
Tatiana Doronina

The actress read the letter and studied family photos, but refused to meet again, citing poor health.

Here it would be reasonable to ask a reasonable question: why did Tatyana Doronina’s relatives suddenly become more active right now? Is it really the apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment that pushes them to establish family ties? But Yulia insists that she tried to start communicating with her eminent aunt for a long time, even went to the theater and passed notes, but everything was useless.

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