A British woman asked for money for the treatment of her seriously ill son, but spent it on a new car and breasts.

A British woman asked for money for the treatment of her seriously ill son, but spent it on a new car and breasts

It happens. The British woman collected a huge amount of money from caring people, but instead of treating her sick child, she bought a car and improved her appearance.

A story whose reality you won’t immediately believe. A 29-year-old British woman was detained on suspicion of fraud. The girl opened an account and asked everyone who cared to donate money to it so that she could cure her seriously ill son (the boy has heart problems). She disposed of the funds differently.

Out of 10 thousand pounds (about 870 thousand rubles) she spent only 4,200 on the treatment of the child. The rest of the money helped Natalie Webster buy herself a new car and get silicone breasts.

A British woman asked for money for the treatment of her seriously ill son, but spent it on a new car and breasts
Google images

The woman's neighbors, having learned about this, literally besieged her house in the village of Soley, Derbyshire, and began to demand that she return the money.

For example, a woman who donated £135 and now wants it back says: "It's funny that she bought a car, got breasts and her children are now swimming in gold when last year she didn't have two pennies."

A British woman asked for money for the treatment of her seriously ill son, but spent it on a new car and breasts
Google images

Now Natalie has been arrested and released on her own recognizance. The investigation is ongoing.

Photo: Getty Images