“When I went bald, I realized that you can’t hide the truth”: the star of the TV series “Sled” Olga Koposova spoke about the fight against cancer.

“When I went bald, I realized that you can’t hide the truth”: the star of the TV series “Sled” Olga Koposova spoke about the fight against cancer

Olga Koposova rarely talks about her personal life and gives interviews. And yet, the actress recently spoke about the difficulties of her fate. As it turned out, several years ago the star was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Many people know 49-year-old actress Olga Koposova for her role as the head of the FES, Galina Rogozina, in the detective series “Trace,” in which she has been starring for 12 years. 

Olga usually does not give interviews, but recently she became the heroine of a new episode of the program “The Fate of a Man” on the Russia-1 channel. 

During a conversation with Boris Korchevnikov, the star revealed what is perhaps her most important secret. It turns out that several years ago she was diagnosed with... cancer. 

“When I went bald, I realized that you can’t hide the truth”: the star of the TV series “Sled” Olga Koposova spoke about the fight against cancer
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“One day a ball appeared in my chest. At first, of course, I didn’t think about oncology. And a year later I already feel that it is growing. I can feel it inside, it moves inside, as if it lives with me. Then the doctors just took me into the office and gave me a card that said breast cancer,” recalls the artist. 

Olga admitted that at that moment she hardly thought about her health. She didn’t want to let down the Trace crew, so she asked to postpone the operation for several months. 

At first, Koposova hid her illness even from her family. “Later, when chemotherapy began and I went bald, I realized that the truth cannot be hidden. I told my father that I would survive, everything would be okay. The general producer also called the hospital and said: “Olga, you are our team, you are our person, we are waiting for you.” I said that I would return to filming right away from under the knife,” the celebrity shares. 

Olga kept her promise. Immediately after completing four courses of chemotherapy, she returned to the set. After aggressive procedures, the actress lost not only her hair, but also her eyelashes and eyebrows. Make-up artists had to hide these changes daily with makeup, wigs and false eyelashes. 

Now Koposova feels great and assures that she managed to defeat oncology.