“There was a shock and a lot of nerves”: Sasha Savelyeva admitted that she lost a lot of weight due to a difficult birth.

“There was a shock and a lot of nerves”: Sasha Savelyeva admitted that she lost a lot of weight due to a difficult birth

This spring, Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov had a son. The singer’s birth was very difficult, so she rarely remembers this process and things related to it. 

At the end of March, 35-year-old Sasha Savelyeva became a mother for the first time . Initially, the star was going to give birth in Israel, but she had to urgently seek help from Moscow doctors. 

Savelyeva had a premature birth , due to which she could have lost the child and died herself. 

The son of the singer and Kirill Safonov, Leon, was born ahead of schedule, so for some time mother and baby remained in the hospital under the careful supervision of doctors. 

Alexandra Savelyeva
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The other day, Sasha decided to answer questions from her subscribers on Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia). One of the Internet users asked the artist how she managed to get into shape so quickly after giving birth. 

As it turned out, the difficulties associated with the first days of her son’s life greatly influenced Savelyeva. She completely lost peace of mind, sleep and appetite. 

“It was a real shock. I spent so much time on my nerves that soon after giving birth I lost a significant amount of kilograms,” the singer admitted. 

In connection with the events she experienced, the star mother decided to give up intensive weight loss and an active social life. Now she is trying to spend as much time as possible with her son. “I still have extra centimeters left. But I am absolutely not trying to remove them at any cost. For me, the most important thing is my health and that of my child,” the singer emphasized.