Mental hospital, career failures, enmity with mother: a new bitter truth about the life of Gaft’s deceased daughter.

Mental hospital, career failures, enmity with mother: a new bitter truth about the life of Gaft’s deceased daughter

After the death of Valentin Gaft, the public is learning more and more unexpected details about his life and relatives.

On December 12, the most famous Soviet and Russian actor Valentin Gaft passed away. Shortly before this, the artist celebrated his 85th birthday. He suffered for years from a severe form of Parkinson's disease, did not walk, did not speak, and suffered the consequences of a stroke.

Valentin Iosifovich was buried by his third wife Olga Ostroumova and her children from previous marriages, whom Gaft considered relatives.

It so happened that the actor had many problems in his relationship with his own children. He first saw his son Vadim Nikitin when the heir was no longer just an adult, but a mature man.

The fact is that Vadim’s mother, artist Elena Nikitina, learned about her pregnancy from the actor after breaking up with him. She did not want to burden Gaft with obligations, so she quietly gave birth, and soon emigrated with the child to Brazil.

Vadim was unable to attend his father’s funeral due to the pandemic. The 49-year-old man really regrets that he was almost not close to his father.

Valentin Gaft with his daughter Olga
Valentin Gaft with his daughter Olga

But Valentin Iosifovich doted on his legitimate daughter Olga! Despite the fact that in the early years of his parenthood, Gaft was not yet the most sought-after and wealthy actor, he tried to give the heiress the best. And only after that he began to give her the most expensive gifts.

True, all this did not bring Olga happiness. What she wanted more was to become a star. And also for mom and dad to be together - or at least live peacefully.

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Neighbors in the house have repeatedly witnessed heartbreaking scenes of the family. Gaft and his wife Inna Eliseeva had a row from the very first days of their life together: at least because at first the artist earned little, and Inna was a representative of a wealthy family and was accustomed to a completely different way of life.

The couple divorced when Olya was only seven years old. Inna tried her best to protect her daughter from communicating with her father - although they still managed to meet. According to the recollections of neighbors, sometimes Eliseeva even locked her daughter in the apartment when she went somewhere - then Olga was a completely grown-up girl!

Mental hospital, career failures, enmity with mother: a new bitter truth about the life of Gaft’s deceased daughter
Inna Eliseeva

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that Gaft’s daughter committed suicide in the early 2000s, when she was only 29 years old.

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For many years, Olga suffered from depression due to lack of fulfillment. She dreamed of following in her father's footsteps and becoming an actress, but friends in theater circles convinced Gaft that the girl should not connect her life with cinema - they say, she does not have enough talent to become a sought-after artist.

Then Olga entered the ballet school, but failure awaited her here too - they didn’t want to let her go on stage. Then the celebrity’s daughter trained as a ballet dance director and came to terms with her more ordinary standard of living.

Fortunately, there was joy in Olga’s life that allowed her to feel happy. She had long been mutually in love with a young man and made big plans for their future together.

However, Inna Eliseeva, for various (and rather far-fetched) reasons, was against this union. So much so that she literally exhausted her daughter with her claims and reproaches and began to completely control her every action.

Валентин Гафт
Valentin Gaft

“It’s hard for me to talk about this. Everything that happened is very unfair to my smart and beautiful girl. I don't want to figure out what happened there. I'm sure it's all the ex-wife's fault. Olenka and I often met, and she complained to me that her mother did not give her peace. So she hounded me,” Gaft shared shortly after the death of his daughter.

If you believe the confessions of a close friend of Valentin Iosifovich, the conflict between mother and daughter reached such a point that the woman sent Olga to the clinic!

“She put Olga in a mental hospital, although she was completely normal. Olya was stressed all the time. Inna removed her boyfriend and she committed suicide. A normal guy, whom she wanted to marry,” the woman noted.

“Nothing will bring me back to the path of truth, and I can’t stand living in hell anymore...

I really don’t want to part with you... No one will understand how I suffer myself. Sorry, forgive me for everything...

I lived 29 years. Of these, 20 are happy, and the last 6.5 are in hell. If only you had met me then.

I love everything about you. There is love in me, but the devil does not allow it to wake up. How I wish this didn't happen. And everything else was there.

Well, apparently, this is my destiny...” read excerpts from the suicide letter that Olga addressed to her chosen one, hinting at irreconcilable differences in relations with the relative who terrorized her.

By the way, there is information that Gaft himself considered his daughter the only person who unselfishly loved him. At least that’s what Anastasia Volochkova says, who became close to him 4 years before his death amid her passion for literature. The ballerina assures: Valentin Iosifovich’s relatives hardly looked after him and did not monitor his deteriorating health.

“He said that his relatives are dishonest people. They all just wanted his money. He said that no one cared about him. It was not clear to me why people who are feeding cannot buy him bed linen, a blanket and a mattress,” Volochkova said.

Based on materials from NTV and KP

Photo:, Persona Stars,