“Food is my hobby”: Tyra Banks gained 14 kg in a few months, but has no plans to lose weight.

“Food is my hobby”: Tyra Banks gained 14 kg in a few months, but has no plans to lose weight

Tyra Banks once taught us to smile with our eyes. And today she talks about how important it is to love your body - at any weight.

Tyra Banks is no less than 46 years old and has been in the modeling business for over 30 years. Agree, he can afford to relax and stop watching his figure! Which, in fact, is what the model has been doing in recent years. 

In May 2019, Tyra graced the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine, posing in a swimsuit.

Even then, the supermodel could boast of appetizing forms. However, according to Banks herself, she did not stop there. 

“Food is my hobby”: Tyra Banks gained 14 kg in a few months, but has no plans to lose weight
Tyra Banks on the cover of Sports Illustrated

“I have an interesting relationship with food. That is, food for me is one of the most important and priority things in life. Food is my hobby. It's not too noticeable because I'm wearing a jacket, but I'm almost 40 pounds fatter now than I was last year when I was on the Sports Illustrated cover!” — Tyra admitted in a recent video interview. 

Banks doesn’t even think about diets and weight loss, continuing to eat whatever she likes. Plenty and delicious. In the same interview, the supermodel happily listed her favorite foods that she eats every day. These include fried bacon, coffee with syrup, bagels with cream cheese, snacks, nachos, burgers and much more. Luckily, Tyra's 4-year-old son and boyfriend share her love of food.