“As much as I give, she spends as much”: Dmitry Tarasov said that his wife does not demand money from him.

“As much as I give, she spends as much”: Dmitry Tarasov said that his wife does not demand money from him

Some Internet users believe that Dmitry Tarasov does not treat his wife the way she deserves. So the footballer’s recent statement about Anastasia’s expenses somewhat surprised followers. 

Often the attitude of 32-year-old Dmitry Tarasov towards his 25-year-old wife Anastasia surprises the couple’s subscribers. A man often teases his wife , exposing her to ridicule, and also carefully monitors her social networks. 

Dmitry Tarasov, Anastasia Tarasova (Kostenko)
Google images

And recently Tarasov spoke about a financial issue in his family. As it turned out, the man allocates a certain amount for his beloved’s expenses. 

“My wife doesn’t work, and to be honest, she doesn’t charge me anything. As much as I give her, she spends as much. She’s great,” StarHit quotes the footballer .

Probably, Dmitry really has to cut Anastasia’s expenses due to legal proceedings with his first wife - for a long time the athlete has refused to pay alimony to his eldest daughter.

However, even while on maternity leave, Tarasova makes good money - women's clothing stores constantly order advertising from her on the microblog. However, sometimes subscribers notice that Anastasia appears in photographs in clothes that she has been wearing for several years in a row - usually celebrities change their wardrobe much more often and do not skimp on new things.