Media: Nadezhda Babkina was transported to a military hospital where Kobzon was treated.

Media: Nadezhda Babkina was transported to a military hospital where Kobzon was treated

Nadezhda Babkina still needs constant monitoring from doctors. According to rumors, the singer was transported from Kommunarka to a military hospital, known for treating star patients. 

Nadezhda Babkina has been in the hospital for almost two weeks now. The 70-year-old star was not confirmed to have coronavirus, but serious pneumonia was discovered. 

Due to the complex form of the disease, the artist even spent some time in a coma. 

So far, doctors assess Nadezhda Georgievna’s condition as serious. Apparently, the celebrity faces a long recovery. 

Nadezhda Babkina
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Babkina was in the well-known Kommunarka. However, the singer recently expressed a desire to leave the medical center, where the maximum number of patients with COVID-19 is concentrated. 

According to the MK portal , at the star’s request, she was transported to a military hospital in Krasnogorsk. 

At first glance, this choice of hospital is surprising. However, in fact, this hospital is considered one of the most elite: at one time, Joseph Kobzon, Boris Berezovsky and other representatives of politics and show business were treated there. 

A separate room was allocated at the hospital especially for Nadezhda Georgievna. The portal’s correspondents were also told that an entire building of the hospital will be allocated for future patients with coronavirus infection.