Beatings, escapes, robbery: what was the fate of Liza Adamenko, who at the age of 18 married a 55-year-old millionaire.

Beatings, escapes, robbery: what was the fate of Liza Adamenko, who at the age of 18 married a 55-year-old millionaire

The fashion model has always been independent: at the age of 13 she moved alone to Asia, at 14 she received her first offer, and by the time she came of age she learned what it was like to live with a tyrant and abuser.

The modeling business often has two opposite paths of development: to the world's catwalks and to get married, and sometimes to marry those who can afford to buy these same catwalks. Photos of young beauties serve as the same springboard for promotion to modeling agencies and dates with wealthy men.

They say that the acquaintance of Sophie-Antoinette Delois and Andrei Vavilov happened exactly like this: the 24-year-old beautiful daughter of Julia Delois, the owner of a fur brand, regularly appears in lookbooks and modeling shoots, where the ex-senator allegedly saw her. And then he fell madly in love, a few months later he proposed and married Sophie.

Sophie-Antoinette Delois, Ksenia Sobchak and Andrei Vavilov
Sophie-Antoinette Delois, Ksenia Sobchak and Andrei Vavilov

We have already talked about how the whole elite party at the wedding of ex-senator Vavilov and a 24-year-old show jumper . The holiday of the year will be discussed for many more weeks or even months, and this is not only about colossal expenses and pomp. The age difference between the spouses is 36 years, which was considered outrageous on the Internet. Despite the touching vows and tears of the bride at the wedding, few believed in the sincerity of the feelings of Vavilov and Delois.

Andrey Vavilov and Sophie-Antoinette Delois
Andrey Vavilov and Sophie-Antoinette Delois

And while commentators are vying with each other to discuss what the future holds for this unusual couple, the most sensible users have noticed: they are not the first, they are not the last, and such marriages of different ages have been concluded centuries ago and will continue to be concluded. No one can predict whether Vavilov’s oath of fidelity for the rest of his life will come true, or whether divorce and redistribution of property will arise between the spouses.

But we can tell the story of Liza Adamenko, who married a millionaire with whom she was separated for 38 years: the girl was 17, and her chosen one was 55 years old.

Lisa Adamenko
Lisa Adamenko

Five years ago, everyone was discussing Elizabeth’s personality: she not only happily accepted the offer of Valentin Ivanov (top manager of the Asian Lukoil), but also did not hesitate to publish candid photographs with her husband, talk about how he courted her, but and subsequently report the beatings just as straightforwardly. This, alas, is not a rare case, but here’s what’s important: Lisa married a billionaire at 18, and received her first proposal from him at the age of 14.

Adamenko met a businessman when she came to Singapore for modeling work. Then she was only 13, but the girl’s mother, considering that she was under the tireless supervision of her older model friends, left Lisa alone in Asia a week after her arrival.

One of the friends, to whom the parent left her child, took the teenager to a barbecue with her friends, where she introduced him to Ivanov.

“How could you hide such beauty from me!” - Valentin exclaimed and immediately began to spin Lisa in his arms. The candy-bouquet period began: the entrepreneur surprised her, gave her flowers and presented her with an iPhone - a classic.

When the young model turned 14 years old, Valentin proposed to her. The girl refused, and the millionaire lost his temper and returned to his former passion, who bore him a child. After some time, Ivanov broke up with her and invited Lisa to dinner. After a short conversation, he invited the now 15-year-old Adamenko to go to his castle in France.

Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov
Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov

“No, honey, I have a trip planned. If you want me to come to you, then take a ticket to my friend and call my dad, explain to him who you are and why I should come to you,” Lisa later recalled. Ivanov actually called her father and “agreed.” Only men know how. “It’s difficult for me to prohibit something,” explains Adamenko.

  • Lisa Adamenko's parents explained how they approved their daughter's marriage to a 55-year-old man
Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov
Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov

At the age of 17, Ivanov proposed to her again. “We were just swimming in the pool at our house. Suddenly he approached me, hugged me, kissed me, and suddenly I felt a ring in my mouth,” said Lisa.

Adamenko’s parents flew to Singapore, met Ivanov and gave him consent to the marriage. “Then my mother and I went to the Prada store, she was choosing shoes for herself. She asks: ''Liz, do you really love him? '', And I understand that nothing. I stand, pick at the floor with my foot and say: “Well, yes, Mom, I love you.” There were no emotions,” the model recalls.

Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov
Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov

Emotionally, but luxuriously, they got married in the suburbs of Nice at the Chateau Saint Jeannet. Neither Lisa nor Valentin had any stamps in their passports: there was only a ceremony and a priest, but the official marriage was never concluded. And this made it much easier for them to separate, which was just around the corner. Adamenko recalls that her husband almost destroyed her own family by turning his wife against her parents.

  • “I spent my first wedding night between my mom and dad”: an excerpt from the book by Liza Adamenko

At the age of 17, the model moved to Ivanov in upset feelings - the euphoria of falling in love passed, but bruises appeared. The girl first masked the bruises in the photographs, and then began to tell her subscribers about it. The billionaire first hit his chosen one when she was 15 years old, having become jealous of her friend.

Lisa Adamenko
Lisa Adamenko

“Valentin runs up and slaps me so hard that I lose consciousness and fall to the floor. I hid in the toilet, he knocked down the door, dragged me by the hair and began to threaten that I would never see my family,” the model recalled. A day later, Lisa flew home, but returned to Ivanov. And so on several times.

The beatings continued constantly, and each time the model asked for help. They only helped her in America: within minutes of her appeal, the hotel was surrounded by police and the millionaire was tied up. In addition to beatings, Valentin sent fabricated voice messages to his young wife’s father in order to break her connection with her parents. As a result, half of Lisa’s body gave out when he heard about what his daughter had allegedly done.

“He had some kind of fetish to intimidate everyone, but for some reason he beat me,” says Adamenko.

Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov
Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov

After a trip to America, the model realized that there was no turning back. Ivanov cut up her Russian passport, tore the visas out of her international passport and destroyed her clothes to prevent her from leaving. For a month, the model had to prove to lawyers that she was Russian, and she was able to leave only with a piece of paper with an identity card, which she was given for ten years. The parting, naturally, was not easy.

Valentin Ivanov and Liza Adamenko
Valentin Ivanov and Liza Adamenko

As soon as Lisa began to talk about how her husband beat her, he made a number of claims against her, one of them was treason. Videos with the model and a certain young American for whom she allegedly exchanged her millionaire began to spread across the Internet.

The businessman convinced Lisa’s parents and the police that she was insane and suffered from bouts of aggression, and that she allegedly made up stories about beatings while under the influence of alcohol.

Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov
Liza Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov

In 2018, this unhealthy relationship was finally put to rest. Lisa had only just managed to recover from years of abuse when she was robbed at the entrance. Thieves stole a 6 million engagement ring, credit cards, shoes and even cosmetics. The girl is sure that her ex-husband is behind the attack - she cannot prove his involvement in the case, just as she could not remember for sure that it was he who raped her at the age of 13.

  • “He took my virginity, but I don’t remember it”: Liza Adamenko told how her affair with Valentin Ivanov began

That day, Adamenko was celebrating her last job in Singapore, quarreled with a millionaire and decided to drown out the resentment with alcohol. After some time, she lost consciousness and woke up in an unfamiliar room. Ivanov’s hands appeared before her eyes, which the girl could never get out of her head. When the businessman drove the embarrassed model home, he said: “What are you talking about, we already had everything.”

Lisa Adamenko
Lisa Adamenko

After breaking up with Ivanov, Lisa managed to take part in “The Bachelor”, but did not receive the favor of Anton Krivorotov. Three years later, Adamenko is happy that she no longer hears anything about her ex-husband, does not see him and does not know where he is or what he is doing.

For some time, the model declared that she had become independent and did not want a relationship, but now she admits: “I want to be married, I want to be a girl, I want to fall in love and feel that feeling, I believe that there are real men in the world.”

Lisa Adamenko
Lisa Adamenko

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Materials used: YouTube show “ Alena, damn it!” »

Photo: @lizaadamenko_/Instagram (extremist organization banned in Russia)