“They live in the same house”: Vladimir Kuzmin’s brother told how his wife took him away from his mistress from the next door and converted him to Krishnaism.

“They live in the same house”: Vladimir Kuzmin’s brother told how his wife took him away from his mistress from the next door and converted him to Krishnaism

Not long ago, Vladimir Kuzmin greatly surprised the public by returning from his mistress to his wife, whom he left a year and a half ago. Fans are happy about the couple's reunion, but the musician's brother fears for the future of this union. 

In 2018, Vladimir Kuzmin left his wife Ekaterina, who is 27 years younger than him. As it turned out later, the 64-year-old rocker exchanged his wife for an even younger person, yachtswoman Svetlana Karpukhina

However, last fall the man returned to Catherine , whom he had managed to divorce at that time. 

The musician delighted his fans even more when he announced his wedding to his wife and his intention to resume the official marriage again. 

Vladimir Kuzmin
Vladimir Kuzmin and Svetlana Karpukhina

However, as Kuzmin’s brother Alexander assures, in fact, nothing good should be expected from the relationship between Vladimir and Catherine. In addition, there was no wedding in January - the couple held the sacrament several years ago, but did not share photographs from the event with the public. 

According to the man’s stories, Ekaterina and Svetlana continue to fight for the rocker, who easily succumbs to the influence of others. Despite all this, they continue to live in different buildings of the same house!

“They fought, threw themselves, scratched... I don’t know, maybe Volodya was pleased with it. Probably, any guy likes it when girls fight for him. It happened that they quarreled over Volodya and divided him. Once, during a showdown, an expensive phone flew out the window,” Alexander Kuzmin told Komsomolskaya Pravda

A relative of the celebrity is sure that Ekaterina decided to reunite with the musician only for the sake of money - Svetlana truly loves him. 

“Sveta is suffering a lot now. We are constantly in touch with her, she cries from morning to evening. She cannot imagine life without Volodya. After I supported Sveta, my brother stopped communicating with me, and our mutual friends blocked me. Well, it’s understandable, they’re all afraid of losing their jobs. Katya’s father, by the way, also works as a driver for Volodya. It's like a family contract. And her mother is the brain, she runs everything. And the whole story, when Katya returned, I’m sure she arranged everything,” says the man. 

In a short time, Catherine managed to interest her ex-husband in her faith - according to Alexander, the woman has been interested in Krishnaism for several years and regularly travels to India. “She brought him to vegetarianism, he is almost starving. In addition, Katya loses all the money to her fellow believers. Sveta told me that Katya had set up a shelter for Hare Krishnas in her apartment. They live there with her, almost 30 people. In an apartment that costs a million dollars and which Vladimir gave her!” — Kuzmin is indignant. 

It is unknown how long Catherine has been interested in Eastern religion. Perhaps her wedding to her husband really happened much earlier than this whole “love triangle” story, and not a few weeks ago.