“She got into the group by accident”: Valery Meladze called the marriage with Albina Dzhanabaeva fatal.

“She got into the group by accident”: Valery Meladze called the marriage with Albina Dzhanabaeva fatal

Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva have been together for many years. And yet the man is still amazed at how fate brought him together with the singer: and his brother with another Via Gra soloist.

In the mid-2000s, the producers updated the composition of the Via Gra group, inviting Anna Sedokova, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Vera Brezhneva to the girl band.

Soon rumors began to spread that the Meladze brothers were not indifferent to the group members: Konstantin began an affair with Vera, and Valery with Albina.

No matter how well-known relatives hid their connections with the girls from Via Gra, over time these relationships were confirmed. Around the same period, Valery and Konstantin played magnificent weddings with their chosen ones.

Valery Meladze married Albina Dzhanabaeva

“She got into the group by accident”: Valery Meladze called the marriage with Albina Dzhanabaeva fatal
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The other day, on the eve of his 55th birthday, the singer gave a long interview to the MK portal , in which he talked about his creative plans and family life.

In a conversation with a journalist, Valery called his marriage with Albina “fatal.” He spoke in the same way about his brother’s relationship with Vera Brezhneva.

The artist is still surprised how suddenly the beauties from the “golden cast” of the girl band appeared in their destinies with Konstantin.

“Both Albina and Vera ended up in the group, seemingly by accident, but in both cases this led to a fairly serious continuation. I usually analyze such things after the fact: of course, no one planned anything in advance,” the man said.

Meladze also clarified that his affair with Dzhanabaeva was not “diving headlong into the pool” - although it developed against the background of the performer’s official marriage.

“In general, I think about my actions, but I still do what I want, what my soul asks,” the man concluded.

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Photo: @meladzemusic, @albinadzhanabaeva, @ververa/Instagram (banned extremist organization in Russia), Andrey Kalmykov/ProPedia, Persona Stars, PhotoXPress.ru