Scorpios will spend all their money, and Libra will have a visitor from the past: horoscope for the week from December 19 to 25.

Scorpios will spend all their money, and Libra will have a visitor from the past: horoscope for the week from December 19 to 25

We are revealing the cosmic cards for the next few days - find out if good luck awaits you on the eve of the holidays.

The closer December 31st is, the more we build hopes - many want the next year to be many times better than the outgoing 2022. New messages for the coming week carry some positivity. Astrologer Mirella Gasanova will tell you more about this.

Mirella HasanovaMirella Hasanova

Bioenergy therapist, astrologer

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Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Although you crave exciting adventures, it's better to focus on yourself and impress all the right people. The position of the Moon suggests that if you really want someone to pay attention to you, you should make sure that you are 100% competent in your job. This is exactly when you will be ready and able to exceed all expectations, especially if you are seeking a promotion or seeking support from your colleagues.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Your cunning comes to the fore this week as the Sun in the financial zone encourages you to think big and not settle for less than you deserve. If you're looking to expand your business or have an investment opportunity that you know will work, don't hold back. There are practical ways you can increase your luck, but a little trick this week won't hurt and will speed up the process.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

The cosmos encourages you to dig deep and tap into your inventive nature. Perhaps your intuition told you something - and if so, do not hesitate to act. Whatever you have to offer is needed by the world at this time. These could be character traits or practical talents that can increase your income if you use them.

Scorpios will spend all their money, and Libra will have a visitor from the past: horoscope for the week from December 19 to 25
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Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

This is a good time for gatherings and meetings, as well as for communicating with like-minded people. However, the Moon's angle with Mars may mean you have to fight bouts of laziness. If you don't push yourself to do something that you know will benefit you, you'll be kicking yourself by the weekend.

Leo (July 23 - August 21)

The Sun in your sector of fun and pleasure plays on your love of creativity, romance and all the joys of life. However, there is time for business, and time for fun, remember this. And thanks to the fact that the Moon is establishing favorable connections with Mercury and Uranus, everything can work out for you this week. As long as you don't allow yourself to get too distracted by momentary pleasures. Stay focused, because you will only benefit from it.

Virgo (August 22 – September 23)

Prudent Saturn in your work and well-being sector encourages you to be disciplined and proactive in achieving your goals. This is something you relate to naturally as you enjoy the feeling of achievement. However, recent disappointment can add fuel to the fire of dissatisfaction with yourself and your field of activity. Don't let yourself get discouraged, because good news is about to arrive.

Scorpios will spend all their money, and Libra will have a visitor from the past: horoscope for the week from December 19 to 25
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Libra (September 24 - October 23) 

You'll have better luck sticking to what's closer to home than trying to be too adventurous. If you're feeling inspired, explore opportunities to make money or try starting an online business. At the same time, home and family beckon, and there is no better time than now to enjoy gatherings ahead of the holidays. Perhaps in the last days of 2022 you will remember a person from the past - he is already in a hurry to burst into your serene life.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

While you may be inclined to spend more, this week's practical focus encourages you to be more careful with your finances and find other ways to channel excess energy into productive channels. This is a good time to make contact with people you haven't seen in a while by sending them a card or calling them. A simple conversation can be an enriching and healing experience. Perhaps someone really wants to hear from you.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22)

Profits await you if you choose a path that leads to new opportunities, such as a better job, a new contract, or anything else that will increase your current income. The Moon's position in relation to your sign increases your chances of receiving an offer, which could be a springboard for further growth - but don't rush things. Excessive pride can push people away.

Scorpios will spend all their money, and Libra will have a visitor from the past: horoscope for the week from December 19 to 25
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Capricorn (December 23 - January 20)

Your intuition and dreams are urging you to clarify something very important in your personal and family life. A quick solution to this issue will be wrong, so dig deeper to get on the right track.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

If your inspiration seems to have waned, it may be because your creative juices need to be replenished. The Moon in the personal zone conjuncts Mercury and Uranus. Time for other activities, such as nature walks, meditation, yoga, or cooking and baking, will help you relax. Soon your artistic and creative side will be in full swing.

Scorpios will spend all their money, and Libra will have a visitor from the past: horoscope for the week from December 19 to 25
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Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

This week filled with communication can be ideal for strengthening relationships with friends and business partners, as well as for advancing in new circles and making useful acquaintances. Someone you are communicating with may have an offer that you are very interested in. Jupiter's position encourages you to embrace new opportunities.

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Photo: Legion-Media