30 tips to help you recover from burnout.

30 tips to help you recover from burnout

To achieve balance and forget about stress, focus on nutrition, movement, relaxation and thinking.

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1. Start your day right. Eat a balanced breakfast that includes complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein and healthy fats.

2. Don't overuse coffee. And don’t get carried away with other stimulating drinks either.

3. Carry a bottle of water with you. Try to drink enough liquid . Then you will feel more energetic.

4. Avoid junk food, processed foods and processed foods. Or at least reduce your consumption of such foods.

5. Carefully study the menu in cafes and restaurants. Choose meals that are rich in protein and vegetables.

6. Drink less alcohol. And if you have enough willpower, give it up completely .

7. Pack healthy snacks. Then you won’t have to buy chips and chocolates when you want to eat.

8. Watch when and how much you eat. Try not to overeat or eat late at night.

9. Eat more greens, vegetables and fruits. Nutritionists advise eating more plant foods per day.

10. Enrich your diet. Most likely, you are not getting all the substances your body needs.


11. Turn your commute to and from work into a workout. Run, bike, or get off early and walk. And always take the stairs, not the elevator.

12. Move during your lunch break. Sign up for a half-hour workout at your local gym, or just go to a cafe that's far from work for lunch.

13. Train on the job. Conduct meetings on the go or do 4-5 squats when you go to the bathroom. If you have a standing desk, alternate working at it and at a regular desk.

14. Don't forget about strength training. They improve bone density, increase the strength of connective tissues, muscles and tendons, and this reduces the risk of injury.

15. Train with a friend. When you feel responsible to someone, you are 50% more likely to attend class .

16. Listen to your body. If you're stressed or exhausted, intense interval training will only increase the adrenaline levels in your body. So it's better to do yoga or go for a slow jog. Conversely, when you feel sluggish, do something more energetic.


17. Find your optimal sleep time. And stick to it. For some it is 8 hours, for others it is 4. The main thing is to sleep equally long on weekdays and on weekends.

18. Always go to bed and get up at the same time. Also, an hour before bedtime, do not use electronic devices and start an evening ritual. The brain loves routine. Over time, he will associate routine evening activities with feelings of sleepiness.

19. Help your body relax. Avoid caffeine after lunch and avoid strenuous work shortly before bed.

20. Don't work on holidays and weekends. No matter how much you have to do, make time for relaxation. It will reduce stress and improve your mood . As a result, you will be more cheerful and get things done faster.

21. Take breaks. There should be two two-minute breaks for every working hour. This will help you focus and feel less tired at the end of the day.


22. Meditate. Meditation has been proven to have positive effects on physical and mental health. It is enough to meditate 10 minutes a day to reduce stress and overexertion.

23. Develop compassion. You are not perfect. Stop expecting the impossible from yourself and scolding yourself when your expectations are not met.

24. Set personal boundaries. Learn to say “no” and explain what is acceptable to you and what is not. Don't let others take advantage of your kindness.

25. Plan. Think about the week ahead, identify particularly important tasks and see if there is anything you can do in advance.

26. Don't try to change your whole life at once. Choose two or three goals. Determine what you would like to change first. State your goals specifically and write down why you want to achieve them. If you feel an emotional connection with them, you will be more likely to achieve them.

27. Report your progress to someone. This increases the chances that you will not break down and will complete the task.

28. Be patient and kind to yourself. It takes 28 to 60 days to strengthen a new habit. You are likely to make mistakes along the way or go temporarily astray. Don't beat yourself up. Feeling guilty and negative thoughts will not help you move forward.

29. Don't forget to let off steam sometimes. This will help you relax and get rid of stress.

30. Laugh more. Humor will help you cope with any situation. Laugh at yourself and how ridiculous it is to eat spinach for breakfast or do squats on the toilet.

There are a lot of tips, don't try to apply them all at once. Gradually introduce them into your life to understand what suits you.