Cucumbers in cucumbers - an ingenious way to get rid of overgrown vegetables.

Cucumbers in cucumbers - an ingenious way to get rid of overgrown vegetables

An excellent pickle can be made from cucumbers of any shape and size.

Pickles in cucumbers taste similar to those in cucumbers.

What you will need

For one 3 liter jar:

  • 1½ kg of small cucumbers (for pickling);
  • 1½ kg of overgrown or ugly cucumbers;
  • 3 tablespoons salt;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 1 horseradish leaf;
  • 2-3 leaves of cherries or black currants.

How to cook cucumbers in cucumbers

Soak cucumbers that will be pickled whole in ice water for 3-4 hours. This will make them crispier.

Pass overgrown cucumbers through a meat grinder, grate or chop in a food processor.

How to cook cucumbers in cucumbers: Chop overgrown cucumbers

Add salt to the grated vegetables and mix well. Leave the mixture for 5 minutes to release the juice.

Recipe for cucumbers in cucumbers: Add salt to the grated vegetables and mix well

Place half of the black pepper, coarsely chopped garlic, sprigs and dill umbrellas on the bottom of a sterilized jar . Also throw in horseradish and cherry or currant leaves.

Add a few tablespoons of cucumber mixture to the jar. Place several whole cucumbers horizontally on top.

Recipe for cucumbers in cucumbers: Place several whole cucumbers on top horizontally

Cover them with some of the grated vegetables. Make a few more layers in the same way. About halfway through the jar, throw the remaining pepper, garlic and dill onto the cucumbers.

Then repeat layers of grated and whole cucumbers until you run out of ingredients. There should be cucumber mixture on top.

Recipe for cucumbers in cucumbers: There should be cucumber mass on top

Close the jar with a nylon or screw-on metal lid.

How to store cucumbers in cucumbers

This product can only be stored in a cold place - in a cellar or refrigerator.

In just a couple of weeks, the cucumbers will be like lightly salted ones . But it’s better to let them sit for a month or even three. It is then that the cucumbers will acquire the taste of barrels.

Do not throw away the ground mixture. It can be used to prepare pickle soup or various sauces .

Cucumbers in a jar can be stored for a year. And it’s better to eat the opened ones in the coming days.