“Rocketman” has not yet been released in Russia, but has already made a splash: And all because of censorship.

“Rocketman” has not yet been released in Russia, but has already made a splash: And all because of censorship

Not only were the sex and drugs removed from the film, but also an important plot point.

The film “Rocketman,” dedicated to the life of British singer Elton John, will be released in Russia in a shortened version. It's all about censorship, because of which kissing men and a rather explicit scene of their sex were cut out. Film critic Anton Dolin writes about this.

In addition to intimate scenes, the Russian distributor also removed footage of drug use. Although Elton John himself insisted on truthfulness. In a column for The Guardian, he wrote that his life could not be rated 13+:

“I have not led a life that can be rated 13+. I didn't want the movie to be filled with drugs and sex, but everyone knows I had a lot of both in the 70s and 80s. There was no particular point in making a film in which I calmly return to my room after a concert with a glass of warm milk and the Bible,” said the singer.

The most unpleasant thing is that the final credits, which were very important for the entire narrative, were also cut out of the film.

Beware, spoilers follow!

The closing credits say that Elton John has found the love of his life and is raising children with his beloved man. This moment is important because there is a rather dramatic moment in the film when Elton's mother tells him that he is doomed to be alone.

“Rocketman” has not yet been released in Russia, but has already made a splash: And all because of censorship

The Russian version instead reports that the musician founded a foundation to fight AIDS and is still working with his longtime collaborator.

The original title was intended to convey the main idea of ​​“Rocketman”: a person’s unconventional orientation does not deprive him of love. Everyone can find their own happiness despite the words of others and even close people... Russian viewers will no longer know about this.

“Rocketman” opens in wide release on June 6. It has an age rating of 18+, but censorship went through it as if it were a movie for the younger generation. Representatives of the distributor “Central Partnership” comment on this: “Changes were actually made to the film to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.”

How do you feel about making such changes to films? Share your opinion in the comments.