How do you know when it's time to end a conversation? 8 signs of a boring conversation.

How do you know when it's time to end a conversation? 8 signs of a boring conversation

Tired cat, How do you know when it's time to end the conversation?  8 signs of a boring conversation
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There are people who, during a boring conversation, can simply switch off and dream about something of their own, while some, despite an absolutely uninteresting conversation, continue to listen carefully to the interlocutor, and most importantly, they remember everything that is told to them. The head of such people sometimes becomes like a pantry filled with rubbish: here are the names of pets, the results of blood pressure measurements, and astrological forecasts for every day.

Now remember yourself. It often happens that you get carried away by some topic, for example, you can talk endlessly about your child or nephew (he is so smart!), or about your indoor rose, or about healthy eating, yoga and travel. But is this really interesting to the interlocutor? This article contains several signs by which you can determine that your interlocutor is already bored and it’s time for you to change the topic.

1. One-word answers

“Really?”, “Exactly!”, “Yesss...”, “Uh-huh” - sluggish answers of this type and nodding the head inappropriately signal to you that the interlocutor is tired. He continues to listen to you only because he is well-mannered, but in fact he is already quite tired of your stories about the health of his beloved aunt.

By the way, sometimes when the interlocutor says “That’s funny!”, it’s unlikely that it’s actually funny. After all, when we feel funny and amused, we laugh or smile.

2. Repeating the last phrase you said

Information, even if we don’t listen to it, still gets “stuck” in our brain for some time. And we can quickly reproduce the last phrase we heard. Therefore, when we want to pretend that we are listening carefully to the speaker, we can repeat the last phrase, but only in a questioning tone. Attention, if the interlocutor repeats after you over and over again, it means he is bored.

3. Simple questions

People who are not interested in conversation usually ask simple questions: “How is your family?”, “What did you do at the weekend?” When curiosity about the topic of conversation increases, the questions become more complex and interesting.

4. Changing body position

We all know that our body speaks better than our words. Without even noticing it, we give nonverbal signals. Moving away from the interlocutor, arms crossed on the chest, turning the body in such a way that the legs point towards the door, positioning the legs cross-legged (while the interlocutor shakes his upper leg) - all this may indicate that the person is tired of listening.

I don’t really trust non-verbal language, because I personally always cross my legs and swing my upper leg, regardless of whether I’m interested in the conversation or not.

5. Frequent yawning

A good conversation should be like a refreshing dessert that leaves you wanting more, rather than a hearty lunch that leaves you wanting to sleep. If your interlocutor yawns too often or tries to hold back a yawn, this is undoubtedly a reason to change the subject.

6. A distant look

During an exciting conversation, all our attention is directed to the speaker. We look at him carefully. The loss of interest is eloquently indicated by a wandering gaze (the interlocutor examines his shoes or details of the interior of the room), as well as a detached “glassy” gaze into the distance.

7. The interlocutor is twirling something in his hands

The journal Applied Cognitive Psychology published the results of a study in which a group of people were forced to listen to a very boring lecture, during which they constantly did something with their hands: drumming their fingers on the table, fingering some piece of clothing, drawing, clicking a mechanical pen, or playing with wristwatch. Interestingly, all these gestures actually help a person concentrate on what they are listening to, but do you need to convey information to the person you are talking to who is making so much effort to fight sleep?

8. The interlocutor does not participate in the conversation

When we enthusiastically talk about something, we forget that this is still a conversation, which means the interlocutor must somehow comment on what we are saying. Often the dialogue turns into a monologue, which can be very tiring. So don’t forget to let your interlocutor speak and listen to his opinion, then the conversation will turn out to be exciting and fruitful.

Which category do you belong to: those who talk a lot, or those who prefer to listen? What do you do when a conversation gets boring?