How to watch horror movies with someone who is terribly afraid of them.

How to watch horror movies with someone who is terribly afraid of them

If there is a coward in the company, do not rush to say goodbye to watching an exciting film. You can help a fearful person cope with fear.

1. Watch a movie at home

Horror films seem to be made for big screens, but you shouldn’t force a fearful person to sit in a huge dark room where eerie sounds from the film can be heard from all sides and there is nowhere to hide. Watch a horror movie at home. The person will be comfortable and will be able to leave the room at any time. Your viewing partner won't have to wait for you in the cinema lobby or, worse, beg you to come home.

2. And during the day

If you have planned a viewing for the evening, then do not turn off the lights. This will help a person overcome fear, especially if he is afraid of the dark. But it is better, of course, in this case to watch the film during the day in natural light. After all, then he will have time to forget this whole nightmare and sleep peacefully at night.

3. Give him something to squeeze and something to hide behind.

If things get heated on screen , give your skittish friend something he can clutch in fear. For example, a pillow or a soft toy. Most likely, he will instinctively hide from the terrible sight. Therefore, you can give him a blanket or lend your shoulder.

4. Gather a large group to watch a movie.

Quantity matters. If there are many friends or relatives around, a person will feel at ease and comfortable. He will feel safe. A psychological trick will work: if he is surrounded by people, then nothing bad will happen to him.

5. Have him read a synopsis of the movie.

Knowing the plot twists in advance, a person will not be so scared. After all, he will be mentally prepared for the upcoming horrors. So spoilers can sometimes be useful.

6. Prepare suitable food

Crispy food will calm any nervous viewer . For example, chips, popcorn, nuts or crackers.

7. Increase screen brightness

As a rule, brightness should be balanced. The color black must be black for the film's dark scenes to look the way the filmmakers intended them to. However, you can neglect this for the sake of someone who is very afraid. Increase the brightness of the screen a little - visibility will be better, and then even the darkest scenes will not be so scary.

8. Don't turn the volume up to maximum

Creepy sounds from horror movies are a good reason to be afraid of watching them. Alarming, loud, sudden, increasing sounds will certainly not make the best impression on a fearful person. This can be avoided by simply turning down the volume.

9. Don't tease him

Avoid the temptation to mock your friend's fear and deliberately scare him. Otherwise, he is unlikely to ever want to watch a horror movie with you again. In addition, this can even traumatize a person’s unstable psyche.

10. Rid it of a bad aftertaste

Watch something else together to distract the frightened person from ghosts and maniacs. For example, cartoons, sitcoms or funny videos on YouTube. A great way to get rid of bad impressions is to watch a movie about a movie. Find information about the actors who played in the scary movie and the filming process. This way you will show your friend that all this is just an invention of the scriptwriters.