5 reasons why shooting with a smartphone is better than with a regular camera.

5 reasons why shooting with a smartphone is better than with a regular camera

Modern smartphones have long learned to take better pictures than inexpensive cameras.

1. Smartphones are always at hand

take pictures with your smartphone: your phone is always nearby

We are with our smartphones almost 24 hours a day. During the day, the gadget is always in your pocket or bag. If necessary, in a matter of seconds we can take it out and take a photo. Even at night, when you hardly need to shoot anything, the smartphone is nearby. But even professional photographers don’t always have a regular camera at hand.

2. Ability to instantly share photos

If you have the Internet, you can immediately share every photo you take with your smartphone camera with friends by sending it on social networks, instant messenger, or email. Some cameras also boast such functionality, but they usually work only via Wi-Fi, which cannot be connected to everywhere.

3. Smartphone mobility

Shoot with a smartphone: mobility

Unlike even a small soap dish, a smartphone does not require special transportation conditions. It does not need a special bag with soft seals; it easily fits in a trouser or jacket pocket. Cameras are usually at least three times thicker than a classic smartphone, and these are the most compact of them.

4. Easy to use smartphone camera

The smartphone camera control interface is most often as simple and intuitive as possible. Even a non-technical user can handle it, because he only needs one click on the screen to release the shutter.

In the case of a regular camera for shooting in difficult conditions, you will have to master the mode switch, exposure adjustment, white balance and other settings.

5. Ease of photo editing

Shoot with a smartphone: photo editing

On a smartphone, the resulting photo can be immediately edited by adding color or cropping unnecessary objects in the frame. In conventional cameras, post-correction tools are extremely rare, and due to the lack of a touch screen, using them may not be entirely convenient.

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