13 best werewolf films: from horror classics to witty parodies.

13 best werewolf films: from horror classics to witty parodies

A drama with Jack Nicholson, a teen comedy with the Back to the Future star and the first crossover in history.

In popular culture, werewolves most often mean werewolves (also known as werewolves or lycanthropes) - people who can turn into wolves. These characters from classic myths and legends were among the first monsters to grace the silver screen.

However, over time, their popularity began to fade. A significant part of films about werewolves were released in the 80s - during the era of youth horror. In the 21st century, they returned to the screens, but still remained within the framework of not very well-known films.

13. Little Wolf

Teen Wolf

  • USA, 1985.
  • Horror, comedy.
  • Duration: 91 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.1.

Teenager Scott Howard feels like a failure and is desperate to win the girl he likes. But one day he discovers changes in himself. It turns out that Scott, like his father, is a werewolf. And this is what makes him the star of the school. However, the problems are also increasing.

This film was released the same year as the legendary film “Back to the Future,” instantly making the lead actor Michael J. Fox a youth idol. The secret is that Teen Wolf combines the story of a werewolf and a typical teenage comedy about the problems of schoolchildren. And in 2011, MTV began producing a remake series of the same name , which made Tyler Posey famous.

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12. Wolf


  • USA, 1994.
  • Horror, thriller, drama.
  • Duration: 125 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.2.

Wil Randall works for a major publishing house. Over time, many problems accumulate in his business, and his young colleague Stuart Swinton is already organizing a conspiracy behind his back. After Randall is bitten by a downed wolf, he begins to transform into a werewolf. The hero becomes tougher and more determined, but he is pursued by detectives who suspect him of murder.

The director of this film, Mike Nichols, is better known as the author of dramatic films rather than horror. That is why “Wolf” talks more about the relationships between the characters and changes in the character of the main character, rather than focusing on horror. And excellent actors Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer help with this .

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11. Silver bullet

Silver Bullet

  • USA, Netherlands, 1985.
  • Horror.
  • Duration: 95 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.4.

A series of murders occurs in a small American town. Volunteers who go in search of the maniac also become victims. And only young Marty, confined to a wheelchair, is convinced that all this is the work of a werewolf. And anyone can be a monster.

This film, directed by first-time director Daniel Attias, who later switched to television series, is based on a very short novel by Stephen King, “Cycle of the Werewolf.” Unfortunately, the picture, like the book, did not become too popular. But Corey Haim, who later became one of the most popular teenage actors in the world, played one of his first roles in Silver Bullet.

10. Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

  • USA, 1943.
  • Horror, fantasy.
  • Duration: 74 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.5.

Everyone believed that Lawrence Talbot was dead. But he rises from the grave and tries to get rid of the curse that made him a werewolf. Together with the gypsy, Talbot goes to Dr. Frankenstein in search of a cure. But there they will have to face a monster created by the professor.

This film from Universal's classic horror series became the first crossover in history . Realizing that the popularity of Frankenstein's monster and the Wolf Man was falling, the authors decided to pit them against each other in a common storyline.

9. Howl

The Howling

  • USA, 1981.
  • Horror.
  • Duration: 91 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.6.

Journalist Karen White comes to a meeting with a certain Eddie, who turns out to be a maniac who has killed many girls. The villain suddenly turns into a terrible monster, and the police arrive in time to kill him. After experiencing a nightmare, Karen is sent to a mysterious commune for treatment. And it soon becomes clear that something is wrong with its inhabitants.

This film glorified director Joe Dante, who had previously directed only “Piranha.” Subsequently, successful horror films allowed him to work on The Twilight Zone with Steven Spielberg, and then film the legendary Gremlins. And the film “Howl,” based on the novel of the same name by Gary Brandner, had three more sequels. And it’s ironic that the fourth part is a film adaptation of the same book, only more accurate.

8. Curse of the Werewolf

The Curse of the Werewolf

  • Great Britain, 1961.
  • Horror.
  • Duration: 93 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.6

The film takes place in 18th century Spain. A deaf and mute maid is raped in a dungeon by a strange tramp. After some time, the girl gives birth to a child and dies. When the boy, named Leon, grows up, he realizes that when the full moon comes, he turns into a werewolf and unknowingly kills people.

Hammer Studios and director Terence Fisher, who made this film, were at the forefront of classic horror films. The same company owns the legendary “The Curse of Frankenstein” and “ Dracula ”. As a result, the film came out very dark and cruel for those times: the makeup of the leading actor frightened even members of the film crew. And at the box office some scenes had to be cut from the film.

7. In the Company of Wolves

The Company of Wolves

  • Great Britain, 1984.
  • Horror, drama.
  • Duration: 95 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.7.

In her dreams, young Rosaleen sees very strange scenes - as if her family lives in a village in the middle of the forest. After the death of her sister, the heroine is sent to her grandmother, who tells her stories about werewolves and gives her a red cloak with a hood.

Irish director Neil Jordan knows how to retell classic stories in a surprising and unusual way. He also directed Interview with the Vampire and Ondine . And in the film “In the Company of Wolves,” the author used the excellent technique of a dream story. This gives greater freedom of imagination, helping to forget about realism.

6. Dog warriors

Dog Soldiers

  • UK, Luxembourg, USA, 2002.
  • Horror, fantasy, action, thriller.
  • Duration: 105 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.8.

British soldiers are sent to exercise in the forests of Scotland. But they soon discover a destroyed special forces base, and then encounter those who carried out the massacre. And these are not people at all.

In the Russian version, the title of this film can easily be confused with the more famous film “Dogs of War,” but in the original they are titled completely differently. “Warrior Dogs” was directed by Neil Marshall, the author of two parts of “The Descent.” And this director is great at creating a dark, scary atmosphere.

5. Trick or Treat

Trick 'r Treat

  • USA, 2007.
  • Horror, thriller, comedy.
  • Duration: 82 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.8.

The film consists of four stories taking place during Halloween. Each part plays on some classic plot: the adventures of a maniac teacher, zombie children, and even the story of Little Red Riding Hood again. But they are all connected to each other.

The debut directorial work of the future creator of the second part of Godzilla was released directly on media, bypassing cinemas. That is why only fans of the genre know about it. But still, the story in the spirit of the classic “Kaleidoscope of Horrors” or “Tales from the Crypt” turned out to be popular among horror fans.

4. Werewolf

Ginger Snaps

  • Canada, 2000.
  • Horror, drama.
  • Duration: 108 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.8.

Sisters Ginger and Bridgette love to provoke people. They wear black clothes and are obsessed with stories of death. One day, Ginger is attacked by a huge monster. The wounds quickly heal, but soon the girl begins to change. And now Bridgette needs to figure out how to behave with her sister.

The dark film from the future creator of the Orphan Black series, John Fawcett, went almost unnoticed at the box office. But this did not stop the authors from filming a sequel, “The Werewolf’s Sister,” which, of course, was about Bridget.

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3. Brotherhood of the Wolf

Le Pacte des loups

  • France, 2001.
  • Horror, action, thriller.
  • Duration: 142 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.0.

The action takes place in the French province of Gevadan in the second half of the 18th century. A certain huge beast is terrorizing the residents: bullets do not take it and it easily escapes all raids. The scientist Gregor de Fronsac and the Indian Mani, who is able to communicate with wolves, undertake to catch the monster.

Interestingly, the plot of this film is based on a true story. The inhabitants of the province of Gevadan were actually attacked by some kind of animal, and historians are still arguing about what it was. There are completely different versions: from a wolf or a hyena to a lion.

2. The Wolf Man

The Wolf Man

  • USA, 1941.
  • Horror.
  • Duration: 70 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.3.

Larry Talbot returns to his home castle in Wales after a long absence. Soon, while walking with a girl, he is attacked by a wolf. Larry manages to kill him, but gradually he realizes that he himself is turning into a werewolf.

This classic film defined the image of the werewolf in popular culture for many years. And it was “The Wolf Man” that many directors referred to in works on similar topics. Of course, now such filming is unlikely to seriously frighten anyone, but as an example of old cinema, the film certainly deserves attention. You can also watch the 2010 remake of the same name with Benicio del Toro .

1. An American Werewolf in London

An American Werewolf in London

  • UK, USA, 1981.
  • Horror, comedy.
  • Duration: 97 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.5.

Two American students come to London. At night they are attacked by a huge wolf, as a result of which one of the friends dies and the second turns into a werewolf. Now he needs to understand how to cope with his bestial nature. The ghost of his comrade helps in this.

"An American Werewolf in London" perfectly combines the ambience of a classic horror film with many comedic elements. Therefore, it can be considered both a prominent representative of the genre and a parody of typical plots. And more than 15 years later, a sequel, “An American Werewolf in Paris,” was released, but it failed to achieve the popularity of the original.