6 reasons why sex in winter is better than in summer.

6 reasons why sex in winter is better than in summer

The proximity is good in any weather. But in cold weather it really warms, heals and saves you from a bad mood.

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1. You hug longer.

Sex in 30-degree heat can be difficult and unpleasant. After all, it is accompanied by increased sweating and additional stress on the cardiovascular system. In such conditions, few people are capable of long-term love games. And after an orgasm, you don’t want hugs, but rather quickly cool down in your soul.

In winter, you don't have to worry about your body getting sticky. Close contact does not irritate, but warms. You cuddle with pleasure after sex, and as a result, the love hormone oxytocin is released, which enhances the feeling of affection between partners.

2. Testosterone levels increase in men

Researchers at Israel's Ben-Gurion University found that testosterone levels in men fall in the summer, reaching a minimum in August. But starting in October, the amount of male hormone and, along with it, the quality of sperm increase, and the peak occurs in December.

This phenomenon is explained not only by the fact that heat suppresses testosterone, but also by a subconscious survival mechanism that we inherited from our ancestors. A child conceived in December and born in fertile August had a better chance of getting enough nutrition and getting stronger in the cold.

Even if you don't plan to have children, increasing your testosterone levels is a reason to celebrate. Sexual desire increases, and orgasms become brighter.

3. Women's bodies seem more attractive

Scientists in the UK came to this conclusion. Every three months they showed a group of men photos of girls. Some showed only faces, while others offered a chance to admire bodies in swimsuits. The attitude towards the former remained unchanged throughout the year. But photographs of half-naked models caused much more delight in winter.

Experts explain the results by the fact that in winter we rarely see an unclothed body and therefore react more responsively to nudity. In summer, the brain is fed up with the sight of people in minimal clothing and already sluggishly responds to such stimuli.

4. Girls are more likely to have sex in socks

It would seem, what is the connection between socks and pleasure from sex? And she is! It was discovered at the University of Groningen, the oldest and one of the most prestigious universities in the Netherlands. Dutch scientists have found that warm socks increase women's chances of having an orgasm by 30%.

According to experts, it's all about the feeling of security and safety that socks create. In addition, when the legs are warm, blood circulates better, which means it’s easier for a girl to warm up .

5. Intimacy brings even more health benefits

Sex is always useful , but especially in winter. After all, intimate relationships can support immunity, which falls during the cold season. Research shows that couples who are intimate once or twice a week have significantly higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in their saliva than those who have sex less often.

For reference: immunoglobulin A protects the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system from infections, preventing viruses and bacteria from attaching to the mucous membrane.

6. In the cold, closeness saves you from depression

In the summer, even without sex, we feel cheerful and happy with life. And all because sunlight pushes the brain to produce serotonin , the joy hormone that is responsible for a consistently good mood. Its levels drop as daylight hours decrease, leaving us feeling lonely and depressed.

Luckily, orgasm is one of the most effective natural ways to trigger serotonin production. In winter this is more important than ever.