Man is not a wolf to man: why it’s time to stop looking for explanations for your behavior in animals.

A public page of animal quotes is not a guide to life.

In any discussion about human behavior, sooner or later the argument will be made that people do things “by nature.” True, opponents do not often cite links to long-term scientific research. At best, this is an argument “we’ve always lived this way,” at worst, references to wolf packs, lion prides and other animal communities. And if the first can still be discussed, because life strategies do not arise out of nowhere (but often do not remain effective forever), then the second is not worth starting. Here are some reasons.

1. Animals vary from species to species

We will start with this point, although we could end with it. You can compare animals with each other to note differences and similarities in their behavior. Randomly endowing one species with the qualities of another is like pulling an innocent owl onto a globe.

A simple example: prairie voles are prone to monogamy; they become attached to partners. And males, like females, spend time with their cubs. The life of meadow and mountain voles is full of promiscuity. That is, even from rodents of different species we cannot expect the same behavior.

Finding similarities between a person and some animal based on one criterion and expecting that all behavior patterns will be the same is at least strange. Even if you really like the animal.

Let's say one could argue that voles are too unlike humans. Wolves and lions, by the way, too. In terms of DNA, the closest thing to humans is chimpanzees, which are represented by two species: the common chimpanzee and the bonobo. And there is a big difference between them. For example, bonobos hunt in packs, but bonobos do not. The second monkeys less often resort to aggression to resolve conflicts, and most controversial issues are resolved through sex - male with female, female with female, male with male. Common chimpanzees have a kind of patriarchy, while bonobos have a high social role for females.

And is it really possible to say that this or that behavior is “by nature” if everything in it is very different. Comparisons are more convenient for defending one’s point of view than they are substantiated in any way. After all, you can find your own animal for any behavior.

2. People are very different from each other

Some time ago, it was believed that man is the only one who can use tools, build logical conclusions, be aware of himself, and so on. It was these intellectual heights that made him the crown of creation. But all these statements are not entirely true. For example, bears can use objects as tools. And even aquarium fish are able to draw some conclusions from the circumstances. And elephants, dolphins , and apes recognize themselves perfectly well in the mirror.

What truly distinguishes a person from an animal is culture, or more precisely, the ability to effectively process and transmit information from generation to generation. This is what we call mentality.

Sometimes the word “mentality” is mistakenly understood as a set of qualities that are inherent in a particular people by nature - that’s how they are, nothing can be done. But it is more correct to talk about the cultural characteristics inherent in a particular society. Representatives of this people, who grew up in a different culture, will already be bearers of completely different traditions, habits, and so on.

And if we are trying to justify human behavior through the actions of an animal, then with whom are we comparing? With a respectable middle-aged European from the middle class or a representative of the New Guinean tribe? They are, to put it mildly, completely different. And the influence of nature on humans should not be overestimated.

3. Animals do not always correspond to our ideas about them.

Animal epithets and comparisons did not appear on a scientific basis. More often we use the animal we like and our ideas about it. For example, we say “strong as a lion.” But in essence, what is outstanding about the strength of a lion?

Thus, an ant can carry a weight several tens of times its own. And studies have found that the tissue that forms its neck joint can support 5,000 times the weight of an insect. What about the lion? Did he ever carry at least a couple of tons somewhere? Or what is his strength - does he not scream when his little finger hits the furniture?

Or take the popular quote “The wolf is weaker than the lion and the tiger, but does not perform in the circus .” Speaking.

That is, such comparisons and “profound” quotes are again an unjustified attempt to beautifully defend one’s idea and justify it in some way. Although even a superficial study of the issue says that it is better not to do this.

And now let’s take a swing at the sacred, let’s loosen the bonds, get ready. Surely many have heard about the theory of alpha and omega males. We are usually talking about wolves. The former rule the pack and attract the attention of the best females, the latter are content with what they have and fulfill any whims of those higher in the hierarchy. Various men's communities build an entire philosophy on this idea, trying to portray themselves as alpha males.

True, the idea turned out to be more fantasy than reality. In the wild, packs most often consist of parents and wolf cubs of different ages. So the experienced father and mother “steer” everything.

Moreover, the creator of the “alpha” theory, Rudolf Schenkel, back in the middle of the 20th century, himself suggested that a pack usually consists of a monogamous pair of animals and their offspring. But, apparently, this did not sound revolutionary, so the information was ignored. And the popularizer of the idea, wolf researcher David Meech, says on his website that he has repeatedly asked the publisher to withdraw his book “The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species” precisely because it describes a theory that does not correspond to the truth. “Alpha means competing with others and gaining leadership through battle. However, most wolves that lead packs achieved their position simply by mating and producing pups, which then became their community. In other words, they are simply breeders or parents,” he claims.

So all real boys, in order to become an alpha, should give up public pages with wolf quotes and subscribe to portals about conscious parenting , there will be more benefits.