Singer Danko continues to fight for the health of his disabled daughter.

Singer Danko continues to fight for the health of his disabled daughter

Singer Alexander Fadeev, better known to fans under the pseudonym Danko, and his common-law wife Natalya Ustyumenko continue treatment for their second daughter Agatha. Let us remind you that immediately after birth, doctors diagnosed the girl with cerebral palsy. After this, the singer first told reporters about the baby’s illness. Now she is already six months old. Danko shared with ProPedia how Agatha’s treatment is going.

The difficult story of the birth of the singer’s second daughter became known after Danko came to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program and talked about Agatha’s illness. The birth of Natalya, Alexander’s common-law wife, was difficult. In the last month of pregnancy, the girl started bleeding, she called an ambulance, but she had to wait a long time for the doctors. Natalya almost died. The child’s life also hung in the balance, but the girl survived. True, now she has a terrible illness: cerebral palsy and multicystic disease - a tumor of part of the brain. The first time after birth, the baby was in critical condition. Six months later, the situation returned to normal and remains unchanged for now.

“There is no positive trend in Agatha’s health. We are actively conducting diagnostics, the healing process is just underway. It's difficult to say how things will develop further. We treat Agatha as much as possible. But now everything is not so good,” Danko told ProPedia

The question has been raised more than once in the press: will the parents leave the child? After all, the girl’s treatment may take her whole life. After Agatha’s birth, doctors advised them to give up their daughter. Danko immediately rejected this idea.

“There is no question of giving the child away. We are not going to give it up. This is our daughter and we will do everything possible to ensure that she grows up in a strong and fulfilling family. My wife and I mustered our will and will continue to fight. We believe that in the end there will be improvement,” the singer said confidently.

The singer’s mother also supported the doctors’ position. She was convinced that the youngest daughter would need increased attention, and this would affect the upbringing of the eldest, Sonya. Despite such a statement from a loved one, Danko decided not to condemn his mother.

“My mother is okay with this situation. She understands everything. As for the fact that she advised abandoning the child, this is her opinion. She thinks so, it’s her right. But he still visits us, constantly supports us, and does not abandon us. Our relationship is good,” the singer noted to ProPedia

Today Agatha is being treated at one of the clinics in Solntsevo. There, according to Danko, there are excellent doctors who carry out all the necessary procedures. The girl's treatment still requires considerable funds.

“You need to hold on in any case, even if you no longer have any strength left. It is important not to give up. The main thing is to constantly look for options to improve the child’s condition,” Danko summed up ProPedia

The singer wished all parents who have sick children not to give up under any circumstances. The most important thing is to give your children love and care. For them, this is more valuable than anything in the world.