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Cirrhosis Stages: Symptoms, Treatment, and FAQ

Cirrhosis Stages: Symptoms, Treatment, and FAQ

Cirrhosis, or severe scarring of your liver that can lead to serious complications, is divided into two stages: compensated and decompensated cirrhosi...

Types of Cervical Cancer

Types of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer can be classified into different cellular types, based on the kind of cells in which the cancer originated. Learn more about these sub...

10 embarrassing questions about headaches: neurologist Patimat Isabekova answers

10 embarrassing questions about headaches: neurologist Patimat Isabekova answers

Find out what causes headaches, the difference between them and migraines, and whether cabbage leaves help....

Maple Syrup: How Healthy Is It?

Maple Syrup: How Healthy Is It?

The minerals and antioxidants found in maple syrup don't offset its high sugar content. Eat in moderation and read food labels to ensure you'...

Summer, exams, flowering: How to survive a session if you have seasonal allergies

Summer, exams, flowering: How to survive a session if you have seasonal allergies

Allergies in the summer can greatly interfere with preparing for exams: drowsiness, runny nose... Here's how you can help yourself....

Perfectionism and Anxiety: How to Break the Cycle

Perfectionism and Anxiety: How to Break the Cycle

Those with anxiety may find themselves prone to perfectionism and vice versa. Keep reading to learn why and how to break this feedback loop:...

Lupkynis Side Effects: What They Are and How to Manage Them

Lupkynis Side Effects: What They Are and How to Manage Them

Lupkynis is a prescription oral capsule used to help treat lupus nephritis in adults. Learn about side effects of the drug and how to manage them....

Celiac Disease and Hypoglycemia: Are They Connected?

Celiac Disease and Hypoglycemia: Are They Connected?

If you have celiac disease that's left untreated, you might develop hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). This happens when your damaged small intestin...

Nutrition and Safety of Shellfish and Their Types

Nutrition and Safety of Shellfish and Their Types

Shellfish include nutritions options like shrimp, crayfish, crab, and lobster. That said they may cause allergies and may contain contaminants and hea...

Is Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Hereditary?

Is Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Hereditary?

Genes passed through families increase your risk for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), but most people with a family history don’t develop CLL. Lear...

Cancer Financial Support: Tips, Eligibility, and Resources

Cancer Financial Support: Tips, Eligibility, and Resources

There are financial programs that can help you get the financial support you need. Here's how to find them....

Spotting vs: Period: Tips for Identification, Causes

Spotting vs: Period: Tips for Identification, Causes

Spotting is much lighter, both in amount and in color, than a period. Usually, you won't produce enough blood to soak through a panty liner....

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